Letter in Chinese. The fastest update to wear the latest chapter of the rescue black boss boss!

After the other party left the door, he squinted. "Can you?"

Shen Mubai held Ji Shu's hand tightly, and the other side also took her back. The whole person nervously stared at the man wearing the clown mask, and the two slowly retreated.

The whole heart in the chest should be pulled out, the sinking wood swallowed and swallowed, the cold sweat on the forehead slipped down, and the throat snarled slightly, "Go over."

The man turned his head slightly, and the blood-red eyes stared at her straight, laughing low, and the tail became more and more weird.

Shen Mubai looked at him with death, the tighter the gun in his hand, slightly shaking his fingers, "I heard no? Otherwise I fired."

After the other party turned around, Shen Mubai pulled Ji Shu’s hand and walked quickly. “No movement, no return.”

She squeezed Ji Shu's hand, which is a small secret between the two.

As he passed the corner, Shen Mubai whispered, "Remember the road nearby? We copied that path."

Ji Shu noticed a cold sweat in her hand, and more and more clenched the girl, "Okay."

When the man in the black hooded trench coat disappeared into the field of vision, Shen Mubai quickly pulled the other side and began to escape.

They are not his opponents, and the feeling of danger can only be clearly felt when face to face.

Shen Mubai does not think that direct confrontation is the most advantageous. If they can't cope, they will run.

The only thing she and Ji Shu can gamble now is that they are more familiar with the nearby route than the man wearing the clown mask, and can use this to temporarily smash the other party and then make plans.

The two ran fast on the road, and the hands that held each other gripped each other tightly, just like many times in the past, giving their backs to trust.

Shen Mubai looked back and slowly sighed when he didn't find the man's figure, but she didn't dare to fall out of her heart and grabbed Ji Shu's hand and continued to run. When I saw a hidden place, I quickly took him into it.

The two leaned back to each other and gasped slightly.

Shen Mubai whispered, "He has a gun on his body."

Ji Shu whispered, "I know, we have it?"

Shen Mubai stunned, and his lips showed a little smile. "Well, we have it too."

Ji Shu grabbed her hand, "Mu Lan."

Shen Mubai turned his face, "What's wrong?"

Ji Shu closed his eyes and chuckled. "It is good to be able to live with you."

Shen Mubai sighed and thought of something. "What do you mean by that sentence?"

Ji Shu felt the warmth of the other person's body temperature, and felt unsatisfied, and even the breathing began to stabilize. "Do you know the escape game?"

Shen Mubai nodded, "played some."

Ji Shu smiled and said, "We are the ones who are selected, but they are much more cruel than the game. I know why Li Ge is not willing to tell us the truth, because... the city is not only selected, but fake."

“Every selected person will be tampered with memory, become a part of X City, and have a vague and unrealistic feeling about his memory. As the first step in testing the selected person, he is aware of the city’s sense of violation. I think of my memory as a selector. According to the appearance of the card, I guess that if you want to live, you can escape from this false space and you can only continue to kill."


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