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The Jingxin Temple is a little colder than in the past. When Shen Mubai went, these new maiden eunuchs were hanging lanterns and red paper.

"See the nine princesses."

Shen Mubai let them flatten and ask, "What about the five brothers?"

"Back to the princess, the five emperors read the book inside." One of the palace ladies replied.

Shen Mubai let them continue to work, and they went inside with something.

Wen Renzhen is really reading a book, and he has not seen it for a few months. He seems to have grown a little longer, and his eyes are still squinting, and his expression is still as heavy as usual.

Shen Mubai put things on the table, "cough."

When I saw her, I was slightly embarrassed.

Shen Mubai lifted his chin. "How, if you don't see it for a few months, don't you know this princess' face?"

"Nine sisters." Wen snorted and said, "How come you?"

His eyes lingered on the girl, only to feel that there was always a feeling of empty space in his heart. A feeling that can't be said is like the kind of miss for the mother, but it doesn't seem like that.

Shen Mubaidao, "I can't come? You are a rare princess, this broken palace?" She threw things into front of the people. "Get it, the princess will reward you."

Attitude can be said to be very annoying.

The stunned eyes moved to the pile of oil bags and did not speak.

"Why, do you dislike the princess?" Shen Mubai felt a bit uncomfortable, although it was said that she did eat the rest, but it was hard to take the risk of being discovered and return it to the palace from the capital.

"No." Wen sighed. "This is the first time someone has sent me something other than the mother."

His dark eyes didn't show any emotions, and there was no sense of moving in words, just a faint statement of all this.

When Shen Mubai guessed his thoughts for a moment, he turned to the topic. "I saw the lanterns outside the palace. Have you passed this year?"

It’s a lot of people’s decapitation. “It’s a lot better than in previous years.”

.. really is no different from staying in the cold palace.

Shen Mubai thought for a moment, "That princess will be merciful to accompany you for a while."

She is a little hungry and tells the truth.

The oil bag is the best snack in the capital, what is the shortbread cake, sweet-scented osmanthus cake, spring flower patties, once opened, it is a rich fragrance, hooking people's appetite.

Shen Mubai sat down with the people, she asked, "Have you been to the capital?"

Hearing people, he was holding a little princess to his own patties in a daze, listening back to God and shaking his head. "I have been in this meditation hall since I was a child."

Shen Mubai has nothing to say, she really can't see the smell of people who have suffered so much difficulty and bullying since childhood, don't they hate or hate at all. This is absolutely impossible, or in a short period of time, the few ladies and eunuchs will not disappear in the meditation hall.

She didn't know how to hear people, maybe it was the time to borrow the emperor's hand, or another way.

Not reconciled, not calm, right.

Shen Mubai slowly breathed a sigh of relief. At least she didn't have to worry. After smelling people, she didn't have a place in the palace. Such a person only needs an opportunity. It will take time to let people who have previously insulted him regret it.

"Nine sisters." Wen Ren's face stared at her.

Shen Mubai took a bite of meatloaf, "Well?"


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