Letter in Chinese. The fastest update to wear the latest chapter of the rescue black boss boss!

"How can our life be so bitter, and we are waiting for an unbeatable emperor."

"I heard that Xiao Cai people had climbed the dragon bed from their own, and they had the five emperors of today. The emperor never came to the Jingxin Temple."

The two palace ladies looked inside and saw that the people on the bed did not move. This continued. "I heard that the nine princesses were deeply loved by the emperor. This person is different from the people, one in the sky."

"Yongyao Niangniang is the most favored scorpion. I heard that I was born in a beautiful country. No wonder I would be favored by the emperor."

"Which is like our master, hey, this identity is also a cloud of mud, Rong Rong Niangniang is the daughter of Zhao family, Xiao Cai people can be like us, is a palace girl."

"If it is not for the emperor to get drunk, how can it be her turn?"

One of the palace ladies was sour, and Yu Guangzhen saw the shadow in the shadow and was shocked.

The little teenager stared at them with the dark eyes and looked blank.

The palace lady licked her mouth and pulled another way. "Don't talk, let's work."

Wen Yan’s hand holds jade, licking his lips, and the gloom of the eyebrows is inseparable.

He lowered his eyes, the blue veins on his fists violently, and his eyes were a little cold.

The words of the mother-in-law are kept in mind, and eventually it is released.

No one taught him how to do it, only the mother, the woman who was even blurred in the memory, always holding his little voice, "Hey, this palace is a place to eat people, we have no power, no power, encounter Things can only be patient."

Until one day, the man said to him, "You are a prince, not a bullied dog."

"Have you seen it? If you don't want others to step on your head, you have to find a way to step on their heads and let them not even have the qualification to lift their faces."

His nine sisters, slightly lifted up the white face with a weak face, but the eyes were bright and unusual looking at him, the tone was arrogant and arrogant.

The smell of the heart is like a hot heart, and it will not be able to look away.

When I came back to Beijing to meet again, the spring in the brothel || let him forget the night and night, the face of the nine sisters in the dream became clearer.

He snorted and released something in his hand. Then rely on the bedside, squinting on the eyes, the thoughts are the confusion that can't be said.

There is no way to escape. His feelings for the nine sisters are indeed men and women.

"This princess thought about it. I can match the princess's need for Wenwen and elegant, Wenwu and Shuangquan, treat me well, be considerate and gentle. The most annoying thing in my life is the kind of person who looks ruthless and ruthless. ""

He ate his heart, smelled violently, and wanted to kill the man she would like in the future.

The Xiongnu is rampant, and the words of the wolf are not dead. They want to occupy the land and want to marry.

"General Murong, nephew, what do you think?"

Speaking in front of the emperor, Shen Shen said, "I can see a war."

The Huns were tough and scheming. They almost entered the trap and the soldiers fought back.

Flaming tents, the sound of eating meat and drinking is continuous.

Wen Wen asked, "How long have we been away from Beijing?"

Others replied, "It has been half a year."

His heart said that the nine sisters will soon be married.

Full of bitterness and pain, and jealousy, unsatisfactory, smelling people sipping wine, looking gloomy.

"That is the prince of the Huns, and they are actually on the battlefield, but this also proves that they have nowhere to go."

"I heard that the prince of the Xiongnu once humiliated the nine princesses with words, and said that the Northern Linguo defeated, and in front of everyone, the nine princesses..." The man hated.

Wen Ren’s eyes were placed on the other’s Xiongnu prince, holding the hilt in his hand and smashing the bloodthirsty killing.

That's all, he is going crazy.

Not to mention watching her marry.


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