Letter in Chinese. The fastest update to wear the latest chapter of the rescue black boss boss!

When Liu Yan entered the bookstore, he remembered his father's jealousy and became a companion to the prince.

The temper of the prince was not good, a little weird. After he had been in contact for some time, he repelled the drum.

Han Zichong sneaked him and whispered. "The four emperors and the six emperors told me to go to a place, are you with me?"

Liu Yan’s shaking his head, “The four kings of the four emperors are called you, it’s not too good.”

Han Zichong did not give up his heart. After all, he was similar in appearance and was the best playmate. He said it with the four emperors and the six emperors.

"He? Can he do it?" The six emperors looked at him with hesitant eyes.

Han Zichong took a picture of the chest, "The Six Emperors are assured, as long as you speak, we will die."

Liu Yanzhi and Han Zichong did not know what they were going to do. When they knew that the purpose of the Four Emperors and the Six Emperors was to insult the Five Emperors, they were all stunned.

The four emperors thought they were remorseful and frowned. "What?"

Han Zichong hesitated for a moment and joined in.

Only Liu Yanzhi, watching from the beginning to the end.

He knew that he would offend the four emperors and the six emperors, but he looked at the five emperors who were bullied on the ground, and he was unwilling to do such things.

But Liu Yanzhi did not shoot, because he knew in his heart that the palace is not only a place to eat people, but some things can be managed without thinking.

However, some people have intervened. The identity of this person is not small. It is the most favorite nine princesses on the Holy Day.

When the other party approached, Liu Yanzhi saw her appearance.

This eye is unable to move away.

"She is the favored nine princess?" When he left, he turned back and couldn't help but ask more.

Han Zichong took him. "It should be, who will pretend to be the nine princesses, and it is not too long."

Liu Yan thought, she looked so good, she also said it.

When I met for the second time, it was at the palace banquet. Liu Yan’s nervousness went to invite Ann. He looked up and sneaked at the nine princesses and found that the other person was relieved after seeing him.

The nine princesses grew more and more beautiful, and the Liuyan was thinking about taking people home and watching them for a lifetime.

Han Zichong said, "Liu brother, you just like her skin, and when you see more women in the future, you will slowly change your mind."

Even if we saw more women, those people were not as good as her.

Maybe there is a woman who is better than the Nine Princesses, but now he will not look at him even if he is standing in front of him.

The final regret of Liu Yan was that after the champion, he did not directly let the emperor give him a princess.

Maybe there won't be those things afterwards.

The five emperors were enthroned and he was able to see the nine princesses again.

Only later, the emperor sent him to a remote place outside the capital.

The Liuyan is not reconciled, but the heart is just not willing to guess.

The nine princess died of illness. When he heard the news, Liu Yanzhi stood outside the window for an hour. It rained outside, and the cockroaches that came in had wet his clothes.

"Sugar gourd, sell sugar gourd." Although the streets of Yang'an City are not as prosperous as the capital, but also lively.

Liu Yanzhi looked at a Shuhua woman who took a bite of a candied fruit gourd. Xu was aware of his sight and looked at some doubts.

He smiled a little, and saw the nine princess holding a bunch of candied fruit in his hand, then grabbed his mouth and lowered his voice. "Oh, don't talk."

Looking at her face close at hand, Liu Yanzhi's heart missed a beat.

Just like a glimpse of the year, I will never forget it.


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