Jiang Jingjing is sure to look at her, "Or else?"

After watching the opponent for a few seconds, and finally lost, Shen Mubai compromised, "Okay."

When I arrived at the infirmary, the school doctor looked at the wound and found that something was wrong. When I just wanted to say something, I turned to the teenager and smiled. I silently swallowed the words in my throat. "Next try not to touch the water and basketball. Nothing serious."

She looked at the **** the side and left room for fun.

Shen Mubai looked at the wound that the teenager had been bandaged again. He had no words to find out. "Back to the classroom?"

Jiang Jingyu asked, "Where have you been?"

Shen Mubai said truthfully.

Jiang Jingxi did not say anything, but anyone can see that he is in a bad mood.

"It’s coming for a while, it’s the same.” She said casually, “The game is wonderful.”

The slightly frowning brows loosen, and the dark-haired boy picked up the lip line. "Who do you think is the best?"

Shen Mubai said that he is very strong, "You."

Jiang Jingxi was quite satisfied with her answer.

Shen Mubai was a little thirsty and couldn’t help but screamed. "We should go back to the classroom."

The girl's skin is very white and delicate, and when the eyes are looking at people, it gives a feeling of quietness and well-being. Because of the stain on the lips, the color is more delicate and delicious.

Jiang Jingyi's gaze stuck to it for a time, and then, he made a movement that was faster than thought.

He took the girl over and then kissed him.

The wood of this car was too late to guard against it, and it was slightly stunned. Because of the mistakes, he was drilled by the other side and slipped his tongue in.

Like she noticed that she was going to resist, Jiang Jingyi changed her position, better placed her in the corner, and then supported her arm.

Prince Sieh is the first time to kiss, and the film is also seen less. It can be said that there is no skill to say.

Can only rely on that impulse, mouth allowance | | sucking bite.

This is bitter, and her tongue is numb, and the other hand's hand has been pinching her cheek, and she has been deeper and deeper.

At this moment, Prince Siren was completely brushed by a sentence. It was so soft and fragrant. It’s no wonder that Zhou Xiaoyang’s kid was always changing his girlfriend.

Until he was bitten.

Jiang Jing took a sigh of relief and was freed by the people under him. The other side quickly fled.

He frowned and looked at the direction in which the other side ran out, and his mouth tasted bloody.

Shen Mubai did not expect Jiang Jingyu to be so embarrassed, even kissed her directly in the infirmary, if other students came in and saw what to do.

She snorted a few times and tasted a faint iron scent. It was very disgusting.

After Jiang Jingyi had not returned to the classroom for a while, she followed in.

Shen Mubai did not see it, and then took the book as a cover to block most of his face.

Instead, Lu Ningchuan said, "Hey, how is your mouth broken?"

Jiang Jingxi sat down and his face was not very good. "It's not about you."

Lu Ningchuan glanced at him carefully, turned to look at Shen Mubai, and then shut up silently.

In the next few lessons, no one cares about anyone. Zhou Yiyang immediately noticed what happened to the two men. After class, the boy who was squeezing away from the front desk, "Prince, my birthday is coming."

It was reminded by him that Jiang Jingyi remembered this embarrassment, "Where?"

Zhou Wei said, "Old place."

He turned to the girl who was kneeling on the table. "Big beauty, my birthday tomorrow, I will enjoy a face."


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