Sliding down the girl's cheeks all the way, only feeling a blood on the brain, so comfortable.

Shen Mubai was half-confident and noticed something was wrong, especially the big hand in the clothes felt too strong. She opened her eyes and slammed the force away.

Jiang Jing's defenses have been completely put down, and they will lose their defenses.

He reacted and looked at the girl who was ashamed and angry, whispering, "I can't hold back."

Shen Mubai gave him a look, but unfortunately no soft threat.

The ignition that was originally lowered by Jiang Jingyu was hooked up, and it was difficult to bear it. He lowered his shelf and whispered, "Xisi, let me kiss for a while."

Shen Mubai stood up fiercely, his stamina was too big, and he swayed a few times, and he couldn’t do it.

Jiang Jing's face changed and she grabbed her arm.

Because of the instability, Shen Mubai suddenly fell into the other's arms, she felt that this person is no skin and no face, so angry that he quickly climbed out of his arms, and then sat down and ignored.

They were caused by the attention of many people in the box. Zhou Yanyang could not help but ask, "Prince, what happened?"

"Nothing, you continue." Jiang Jingxi said a word, and turned back.

He said so, those people naturally do not see, continue to eat, drink and play.

Wang Hao in the corner witnessed everything, and she felt sour when she was suffocating.

She chased Jiang Jingyu for so long, the other party took care of her in a good mood, and she was too lazy to give her a bad eyelid.

Wang Hao did not think about giving up, but who told her that she liked Jiang Jingxi, not to mention the other party's conditions, and said that it was enough to let the little sisters envy for a lifetime.

But now Jiang Jingyi has taken a fancy to a girl who is only pleasing to the eye. It is really irritating.

Wang Hao originally thought that the two were in love with each other, but after one night, she found out that only Jiang Jing was hot.

She looked at the way the other party was rejected. On the one hand, she felt embarrassed and on the other hand felt deflated.

Jiang Jingwei, you have it today.

You must have never thought of it, and you will become like me before, so you can lower your attitude and ask someone to be happy.

Wang Hao thought coldly, then screamed and greeted with a bag.

Lin Erxi is best to hang him, so that he can't eat it.

Zhou Yanyang saw that he was drinking almost, and he planned to go back.

He glanced at the obviously drunken girl. "Prince, send the man back?"

Jiang Jingyi thought about it and shook his head.

Zhou Yuyang knew that he had his own plans and did not ask much. He told the driver.

The other people in the box didn't say a few words to Mrs. Taizi in the evening, and their minds were very active. One of them said casually. "What kind of girl does the girl like?"

Zhou Yanyang sent the driver to drive the car away. He heard a whisper and sneered. "It doesn't matter what you are doing. It's best not to worry about it, otherwise it will be known by the Prince, so you can't eat it."

A few people were shocked, they just wanted to please the Prince through another, which knows how.

It seems that Prince, this does not seem to be fun, come true?

I thought about the face of a girl, beauty is beautiful, and it will be boring after a long time.

They don't think about it, they are the one who is the highest in the high place, and the long-lasting relationship is the most unbelievable.


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