Shenmu Baihu looked at him suspiciously. When he left the school gate, he stopped and looked at the humanity. "Don't follow me."

The main reason is that Lin Mu has arrived, waiting for her. She is not interested in explaining and coping with this kind of thing.

However, falling into the eyes of Prince Edward is another matter. He is almost very dissatisfied. "Lin Erxi, are you so afraid that our relationship is known by others?"

Shen Mubai hurts, "I am not afraid, but I don't want them to know now."

The look of the Prince’s face was so good that he pointed to his cheek, “Sincere?”

Shen Mubai looked around and quickly picked up his toes and kissed him.

Prince Sidd is in a good mood and points to the other side.

Shen Mubai is stunned. "You are enough, don't take a shot."

"Then you don't kiss?" Prince Si raised his eyebrows.

Shen Mubai, "..."

So she made up the other side, and quickly ran out of the campus with the attention of some girls around.

I opened the door and sat up, and found that there was still a person sitting inside.

Shen Mubai almost did not react for a while, and when he took a closer look, it slowly screamed, "Sister."

The two sisters inherited a good skin, Lin Yixi is also a big beauty, but the temper is indifferent, and I heard a look at her. "This school is good."

Shen Mubai nodded and didn't talk anymore.

Lin mother sat in the driver's seat and looked back. Some hesitated, "Xiao Xi, who is the boy who spoke to you?"

Shen Mubai’s heart was slightly tight, not sure if she saw it, so she said vaguely, “I am a classmate.”

Lin Mu asked, "What classmate?"

Shen Mubai said, "A class, people find me something."

Lin Mu did not ask this question and said, "Is it going to eat today or at home?"

Lin Yixi didn't talk, just looking at the books in his hand.

"Let's eat at home, Mom, don't go out." Shen Mubai replied.

"One West, what about you?" Lin asked again.

"Just casual." Lin Yixi said, carrying a look, looked at Shen Mubai.

Shen Mubai is not sure if she has found herself lying. After all, Lin Yixi has always been very smart.

The atmosphere of the three-person meal was as small as ever, but she had the heart to adjust the atmosphere, but after she found no results, she was too lazy to say it.

After eating the fruit wash, Shen Mubai stayed in the bedroom for a while and played the game. When the fans were about to go to sleep, the phone vibrated a few times.

She opened her eyes and found that it was hit by Jiang Jingyu, so she pressed the answer button.

"Lin Erxi."

"What?" Shen Mubai yawned.

At that end, Jiang Jingyi heard that the girl was softer than usual, and her body was half-baked, and her throat was slightly dry. "Is it sleepy?"

Shen Mubai vaguely dealt with a few words, and the eyelids shook.

Hearing the tiredness in the girl’s words, Prince Si said, "Sleep, good night."

Shen Mubai said, "Good night."

She thought that there was already hanging over, and she was too lazy to move again. She closed her eyes and slept.

The Prince of God over there listened to the shallow breathing, and his heart was quickened. He thought, how is Lin Erxi so cute?

Not willing to hang up.

When the servant knocked on the door, he had not had time to open the door, and the Prince opened the door and snorted.

The maid looked inexplicable, but still sent the milk in silently, and then retired.

The grandfather listened to the breathing in the middle of the night, and when he was shut down in the middle of the night, he was a little insomnia.

He wants Lin Erxi, especially thinking.

Prince Sidd wants to squat on the wall and then kisses him.


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