Shenmu Bai Wei gasped, and the water vapor in the flooded, pleading to look at each other.

The grandson was glanced at her, and the whole stone was even more.

Holding the back of the other's head, the voice hoared, "I have given you time to prepare."

Shen Mubai was shocked by his brazen speech.

Prince Edward is very uncomfortable, but he also understands that the former || play to do enough, so bear the temper to go to An | no, the original rude kiss has become soft.

The girl's skin is very touchy, soft and tender, but not relieved of his dryness||heat, but also more intense.

The prince kissed down the neck of his neck, his hand slid all the way, and finally stopped at a certain part.

Shen Mubai's face is sideways, he is slightly gasping, but he still retains a few points.

When Lin Yixi went out, he clearly knew what he was and deliberately stared at her.

If she knew something, she was not in trouble.

So I quickly grabbed each other's hand, "Jiang Jingwei, have you brought t?"

Jiang Jingzhen’s action was a bit of a moment’s card.

Shen Mubai saw it, slowly let out a sigh of relief, kicked and kicked a kick, "opened."

The Prince's arrow is on the string, this taste is worse than life and is uncomfortable. I patted the girl's fart impatiently || Shares, "Can't you do that without it?"

Shen Mu gave him a blank look. "Prince, I am only graduating from high school now. I don't know what security awareness is?"

The prince was so uncomfortable that she pinched her and her eyes were stunned.

Shen Mubai had to admit that her heart was particularly cool, especially gloating, "Look at what I do, get up."

The prince-in-law gnawed his teeth, and when he wanted to avoid the face and borrowed from Zhou Yuyang, he suddenly remembered something and smiled. "Lin Erxi, waiting here."

This time it’s the turn of Shen Mubai’s look.

The grandfather got up and rolled over the bag, and it was not a problem. He saw something in his mind.

In the look of the girl’s surprise and disappointment, she raised her eyebrows and said, “Let’s lie down.”

Shen Mubai was pressed and eaten it all over.

The foreplay of Prince Edward was very good. When I really went in, I found that it was a little mismatched.

Shen Mubai cried, "You go out, it’s too big."

The prince of the prince was so dark that he was stimulated by the girl's words, and the forehead's blue veins burst out. "Lin Erxi, do you want to be killed by me?"

Shen Mubai does not care.

After tossing for a while, she grabbed the other's back and all the whimpers were swallowed in.

When the sky is faint, the exhausted Shen Mubai is able to rest.

The grandfather is satisfied, holding the waist of the little girlfriend.

He looked at the blue color of the girl's eyes and frowned. Was he really doing too much?

Prince Siren did not realize his bravery and talent, but he was also a little girlfriend.

Shen Mubai felt sleepy until the sun was shining. She stumbled and opened her eyes, and she was sore.

Rubbing his eyes, a familiar voice came from his ear, "Wake up?"

Looking at it, Prince's lips with a smile, how to see how owed to the flat.

Shen Mubai cold face, buried in the bed, did not speak.

When the morning princes are proud of the spring breeze, Zhou Yanyang looked at him and said, "What about big beauty?"

"Still is still asleep." Prince Zi said that Mei Yu is a joy that can't be concealed.

Zhou Yanyang was shocked. "You last night.. What time is it?"

Prince Sid thought for a moment, "Four or five points... probably."

Zhou Yanyang was a bit envious of the moment, but also did not forget to sympathize with a big beauty in the room.


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