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Nothing to prepare, I had to ask for a takeaway.

Jiang Jingyi pays attention to the quality of life, not to mention the lack of money. Everything is reluctant to order.

After Shen Mubai had enough to eat and drink, he forgot all about tt.

When she came out to take a shower in the evening, she lay down on the bed for a while, and the river view with the water vapor came out.

The other person skillfully opened her lips and wandered for a few minutes, and the big hand began to feel restless.

Shen Mubai was lazy, "Don't let me sleep."

The prince's temper was smashed up, and while he was kissing, "I haven't touched you for a summer vacation."

Shen Mubai yawned, "Tomorrow."

The grandfather touched t and found that the size was small, and the more the valley was owed. I was dissatisfied, and pressed the person to bite the road. "Do it today."

Shen Mubai let him move for a while, and began to gasp, holding the sheets in his hands and keeping his eyes moist.

Prince Ziye||The gun went into battle, and there was no half-drink on his face.

After a while, Shen Mubai realized what he was. "You didn't wear t?"

Prince Sidd does not speak, and his breathing is heavy.

He felt that even if he died in Lin Erxi today, it is worth it.

Shen Mubai frowned, and finally did not say anything.

The sheets rolled for two or three hours, and if she didn't kick the man out of bed, it was estimated to be endless.

Unsatisfied Prince Siren blackened his face and climbed to the bed again, pinching his face. "You just kicked the wrong place."

Shen Mubai did not have the strength to deal with a few words, and he was stunned by a single road, "Good night."

The prince looked at the girl uncomfortably, biting it up, and at the juncture, she was still not willing to work hard, leaving only a very shallow and shallow bite mark on it.

After eating for a few days, Shen Mubai asked, "Would you like to take a takeaway to graduate?"

The prince is stunned, and he has his own school busy these days.

Since he chose to go to a domestic university instead of entering the army and going abroad, not only did the father not understand, but his parents did not agree.

Prince Siddhartha is ironic, and Mrs. Jiang has investigated the information of the people. "You want this girl? Lin Erxi?"

Prince Edward is not good, "Mom, what do you mean?"

He was a little uncomfortable in his heart. He was ruined by the girl family and the past. He was not so thoroughly.

Mrs. Jiang sneered. "You didn't tell me when you fell in love. Why can't I investigate?"

"Mom, I don't mean this." Prince Zizhi stood up straight. "I am serious. She is not a background of identity, but in my eyes, it is only this person, it has nothing to do with others."

Mrs. Jiang decided to look at her son for a while, and said, "Whatever you say, I want to see, you can still go where you are."

In her eyes, people's feelings are built on the same background identity. It is not that she does not despise the other party's meaning, but her son, she knows that although this is his first favorite girl, but said that it will last for a long time, which is not personally promised to personally break.

Jiang Jingyi naturally can see that his mother is not optimistic about this relationship, but he is not eager to prove anything.

Although F is a bit worse than going abroad, he is not purely miscellaneous.

"No." Prince Zi looked at the girl. "Do you want to eat what you do?"

Shen Mubai said, "I can't cook."

She said that it would not be a joke to let Jiang Jingyi regret it.


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