Jiang's father said with a serious face. "Be busy, you have to know that there is a limit."

"Know it." Jiang Jingyi replied casually.

This meal is still delicious and enjoyable, but there are always one or two eyes that are not long-sighted.

The two aunts ate and ate, and thought about it. "Jing Hao, you are not too big, you should make a girlfriend."

Jiang Jingyu lifted his head and lazily replied. "No hurry, the company is busy now, and it is not enough to accompany her."

The second aunt did not give up. "You see that you are almost thirty years old. I am not in a hurry. I have a friend who knows. Her daughter just came back from abroad, graduated from Oxford University, and got a bunch of awards. People are beautiful. It’s only three years younger than you. You get along well, and if you have the right, you can get the certificate in a year or two.”

Jiang Jing琛 frowned, but still did not say anything.

Jiang mother thought about her son's age, not to mention his girlfriend, and the marriage should be closed.

Lu Ningchuan, who was in the army, had been married for a year now.

So no mouth to stop.

When the second aunt saw it, she became more and more energetic. "If you can't see it, I have several young girls I know here. The first-class one is excellent, and the people look good."

She sneaked for a while, Jiang Jingyi did not hold back, and interrupted her. "You are bothered, I am not in a hurry, I know what I am."

The second aunt was a little unhappy, and immediately said, "Have you not forgotten your ex-girlfriend, people have been dead for a few years..."

Jiangmu’s face suddenly sank. “The scene is not urgent, you should not force him.”

The second aunt returned to God and knew that he had made a mistake, and his face was white and he looked carefully.

I saw that there was nothing different from Jiang Jing’s face, as if this ex-girlfriend was of no importance to him.

The second aunt was groaning and full of doubts.

Did she want to marry, her nephew was a year when she loved to die and lived. When people died, they lived without people. If it weren’t for people to stop, I’ve already followed it.

Later, somehow, people suddenly became like nothing, like they didn’t remember those who used to, and they returned to Jiang’s home.

The second aunt thought about whether the nephew had become abnormal, and asked a few tentatively. The result was that people remembered those things. But when I mentioned it, there was no expression on my face, and the tone was faint. It seemed that there was no emotion.

The second aunt couldn’t think of a reason, and she was told by Jiang’s mother that she didn’t dare to speak.

Who does not know, this matter is Jiang’s taboo.

When the wedding was done, who knew that something would happen.

Jiang mother remembered this thing, and after eating the meal, let his son chat with his father and go to his room.

Father is nothing more than those things. These years, the body is getting worse and worse, and I look forward to seeing my grandson be a daughter-in-law.

Jiang Jingxi stayed with the people for a while, then told the maids to look good and went to Jiang’s room.

Jiangmu made people sit down and then tentatively asked, "I told you that the old man was for your marriage?"

Jiang Jingyi nodded, as the truth said, "He wants to have a great-grandson."

Jiangmu smiled and smiled. "You are almost thirty. The old man is getting worse and worse. He is afraid that he will go there one day, and his grandson has not yet landed."

Jiang Jing琛 frowned.

"Mom doesn't remind you." Jiang mother poured a cup of tea and handed it over. "You decide it yourself."


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