Shen Mubai couldn’t help but wonder. "What happened?"

The dark-haired man squinted and said with a stunned voice, "You seem to care about the child."

Shen Mubai thought about it. "He is the heir to the Augustine family. He always has to give a few faces."

"Just like this?" Rozelle's deep eyes looked over and motionless.

"Of course, Rozelle, what's wrong with you?" Shen Mubai said strangely.

"Nothing." Rozelle's footsteps moved. "If you feel troubled, always tell me."

Shen Mubai did not know why he nodded.

Unlike other little boys, Ireland seems to be a bit difficult.

It may be because of the Augustine family's refuge behind him, even in public.

On Valentine's Day, Ireland took a large bouquet of roses and asked her to accept it.

Shen Mubai had a headache and refused without any politeness.

The blond kid rose red on his cheek. "Why, why should I refuse my flowers?"

"Because I am not interested in you." Shen Mubai is simple and clear.

"I am the heir to the Augustine family. Are we not very good?" Ireland is not convinced.

He just wanted to step forward and was stopped by people.

Ireland looked up and found that it was that very annoying guy.

This dark-haired man would block his approach every time and look at him with those cold, unaffected eyes.

This time is no exception, Ireland has subconsciously stepped back.

Realizing that he was a little angry and stunned his fist, "You let it go."

"Please leave your master." Rozelle said.

"Why? What are you?" There was an anger in Ireland, and he was angry to push the other's body, but it didn't move.

Shen Mubai turned and walked back. "Roseel, let's get off first."

Rozelle turned his face and stared at her for a few seconds, opening his mouth. "Yes, master."

Shen Mubai stood in front of the blond boy. "You like me because of family relationship. I am different. I am because you don't like you, little devil."

Ireland feels that it has been hit hard, "Why?"

"No reason, don't pester me." Shen Mubai felt that the other party was always a child, so he softened his tone. "The Harriman family is very strong, but there are many more outstanding girls in the school."

"But I like you now." Ireland grabbed her arm angrily. "If you don't believe it, I can prove it to you."

Before he could kiss him, he was caught by a person.

Then, a heartbreaking pain spread from the shoulders.

How did Ireland suffer this kind of grievances, his eyes filled with tears, and he could not wait to roll on the ground, and he was so angry that he turned to the culprit.

Shen Mubai was also shocked and looked at the soft arm of the blond kid. "Rozell, have you scraped his arm?"

Ireland has been mad, but it hurts too much, and a face and tears smashed into a ball.

Rozelle stood up straight, as if he had just unloaded his arm, his voice was calm. "Master, I just want to give him a little lesson, you don't have to worry."

He looked at the blond kid. "Your behavior makes my host feel troubled, but you don't seem to notice this problem. I have been holding back for a long time."


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