He licked his lips. "Isn't that the three city owners recently liked the beauty on the mainland? How about we catch a few?" He finished, looking up Sniffing, "How do I smell the smell of human beings."

The sinking white body on the side was stiff, but she quickly calmed down and continued walking without delay.

In addition, the monster also sniffed, "You should not be wrong."

“Absolutely not.” The monster said with certainty, “and it’s still a fascinating fragrance.”

He said, stood up and looked around, loudly, "Which person is mingling in?"

When everyone heard it, they stopped their movements. "Man repair?"

The monster nodded. "I smell the taste of a person." He looked at him and stopped his sight on one of the figures covered by the veil. His face looked suspicious. "Before, give me a stop."

Shen Mubai's footsteps are slightly stunned. Although the magical objects of the shape seem to be no different from people, the monsters can recognize their kind at a glance, and immediately ran out.

When the magic object saw it, it was the identity of the person who fixed it. "Catch her up!"

There are so many monsters here, and there are not a few high-low and low-level ones. Immediately, there is a straight one facing the facade, and the black yarn on the white head of the sinking wood is opened.

The beautiful appearance of the girl is exposed, even when I see a large piece of monsters.

Immediately, they smelled an irresistible sweetness.

"This person seems to be a double mystery!"

"It turned out to be a double mysterious body, a big complement! Let's grab her."

Although Shen Mubai has many laws and regulations on the body, it is also difficult to enem so many monsters. After a long time, he was tied hands and feet.

The greedy eyes of the monsters fell on the girl and began to argue for her landing.

"Noisy, if you let a few city owners know that you will be such a person to repair a girl to swallow, a few lives are not enough for you to die." The sound of a monster sounded, the monsters instantly snorted.

"What do you do now?" One of the monsters asked, some of them were unwilling to look at the girl, licking their lips and squinting.

"Nature is to dedicate her to the city owner." That magical way.

As for which city owner to send, the monsters decided to send the beauty to the three city masters in a row.

The reason is very simple. Any city owner can't afford to sin, but they can pretend that they don't know that this girl is a double mystery and throws her to the Three Cities. Afterwards, even if other city owners knew it, it was going to the main people of the Three Cities.

Deported to a few high-level monsters, they were afraid that the beauty of the Shang Xuan period ran, and they were wary of all the way, and paid her storage bag.

"Or, how many of our brothers first enjoyed it?" A magical thing is irritating, and the girl's skin is like jade, and there is no trace of it. It feels very good to touch it. The whole body is still so attractive. Going to bed is definitely a rare stunner.

The rest of them are inevitably heart-warming, but they know that this beauty can't move. They warned, "You forgot what the three city masters are. If you let him know that we have touched this beauty, let us not eat and eat. ”

The magic object instantly extinguished the mind, but in this heart, it was the hard-boned state that was captured by the girl, and the three-city lord who had envied and died to enjoy these stunners could not replace it.


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