Although the past things are still vivid, but Shen Mubai’s subconscious mind is willing to believe the other party, and he nodded.

What she didn't notice was that when she squinted her eyes and filled her squats and Yu| thoughts, the silver plaques brought this body into her eyes, and the eyes were dark and unclear.

In these few days, Rong Qing fulfilled his promise and never made any extraordinary things.

It is also because of this, Shen Mubai's heart is more and more guilty, especially when she thinks of deceiving each other, there is a feeling of breathlessness.

"Master..." biting his lip and yelling at this person, his eyes are involuntarily removed.

"What's the matter?" Rong Qing's light and cold, quietly watching her, a white silver hair like a moon, like a suffocating beauty.

Different from the beautiful and evil spirits of the criminals, even if this person is standing there, it will be a high-profile existence.

Shen Mubai forced himself to calm his mind and confronted the man's eyes. "The disciples want to meditate for a few days. Master has just closed it, and the disciples don't want to bother you any more."

Originally thought that Rong Qing would say something, I did not expect that he just decided to look at himself for a while, then said, "Okay."

Shen Mubai felt that he should be relieved, but the heart is even heavier.

She returned to her temple with some gloom, and gave birth to a sense of guilt that deceived Master.

However, the date agreed with the punishment has arrived. If she does not pass, I am afraid that this person will be able to find it.

However, in order not to let Rongqing doubt and discover, Shen Mubai did his homework and prepared a substitute.

The so-called avatar is to let outside people perceive the atmosphere inside, even if they come in, they can see that the people in the martial arts are practicing in peace.

This is a blinding method, but it can be seen with a clear repair.

Shen Mubai is thinking of such a method because he believes that his master will not come in.

When I saw it, my environment changed.

The waist was taken from behind, accompanied by a greedy kiss.

The prisoner stared closely at the girl who was under his body, and the light was dull. "Nine children, if you still can't come, I will go to Wan Lingzong to please people."

Shen Mubai pushed the man, his eyes were flooded with water, and his red lips were slightly open. "If you go, I will not finish with you."

The criminals licked their lips and smacked the smell of her body. The eyebrows slid over a strange look, and then they seemed to be aware of something. They could not help but sneer. "He is willing."

Shen Mubai stunned, "What?"

The prisoner gave birth to jealousy. "What have you done together in the past few days?"

She remembered the things in the white jade pool, her face was reddish. "What to do, prison, don't talk nonsense."

Seeing the girl like this, the punishment is even worse. I couldn’t help but take a bite of my neck and sigh. "What have you been doing with him day and night? Besides doing it for sharing with you, he still does it." What?"

Shen Mubai is even more stupid. "What is it for sharing?"

Seeing her look at the prison is not like a fake, it is strange, "Is this Rongqing not told you?"

Shen Mubai asked, "You tell me first, what is the sharing?"

The punishment was not good, but it was explained to her.

The practice of sharing refers to the division of half of the body to another person. Even if it is a partner, there are not many people who do this kind of thing.


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