The penalty shows an incredible look.

This woman actually dared to hit his ass!

An indescribable shame and anger climbed to his face, and he wanted to give this woman a lesson!

Shen Mubai silently took him to his arms, and this person was really dead.

One person and one baby had some time, thinking of the long-lost Master, she could not help but look at the past.

The man in white silver hair looked cold and looked at the two, his eyes cold.

Shen Mubai touched his nose. "Master...the disciple is not helping him. I just feel that it is inconvenient to stay in the storage bag..."

The more you talk about it, the more you feel that you are not getting enough.

Rong Qing decided to look at the girl for a while, faintly said, "I know for the teacher, nine children are good."

Shen Mubai was holding a prisoner and saw that he was tired and unwilling to sleep. He had no choice but to sing a lullaby for a while.

The baby's beautiful eyes stared at her and didn't know what to think.

Anyway, it is not a good thing.

Finally, the prisoner was able to sleep, and Shen Mubai looked up and found that his master had disappeared.

Her heart was slightly tight, and she just wanted to stand up and look for it, and she felt something soft at her feet.

Can't help but look down.

The white hairy puffs were fluffy, looking at her with two big eyes, and the twilight was cold.

Shen Mubai was sprouted.

She could not help but hold out a hand to hug the hair.

The other party did not run, just looked at her quietly.

Shen Mubai licked its soft body and couldn’t help but say, "What is your relationship with Black Hair? Are you brothers?"

White dumplings, "....."

Shen Mubaidong looked at it for a while, and stared at the group. "Are you sent by Master?"

The more she thinks, the more she feels that this may be a gift that Master has given to herself. She can’t help but groan and groan, kissed and sucked several times, and looked satisfied.

The white scorpion was a little bit unstable by the girl, and the cold eyes also showed deep emotions.

Shen Mubai waited for a long time, still did not wait for her master.

Staring at the Mao Tuan, I looked at it a few times and said, "You are a bit like my master..."

It is also so cold and cold.

Mao Tuanzi was slightly stunned.

There was an incredible thought in my mind, and Shen Mubai slightly rounded his eyes, ".. Master?"

Bai Tuanzi looked at the girl and nodded.

Shen Mubai was shocked. When she thought about what she had done to the Mao Tuan, she was ashamed to get into the ground. "Master... Disciple... The disciple did not intend to offend you."

Mao Tuan nodded.

Shen Mubai hesitated, "Why did Master become like this?"

She thought of the black hair that the punishment became, and Master should not...

Xu is to see the girl's thoughts, Mao Tuanzi made a voice, "Hey."

Shen Mubai, "..." Day, the blood trough is empty.

She can't take care of whether this is Master's change or what to do. First grab it and take a breath.

Afterwards, Mao Tuanzi looked like a beggar.

Shen Mubai quickly let go of his master, some embarrassed, licking his lips, "Master...the disciple is not intentional, but Master is so cute."

Rong Qing shook his head, his eyes were soft, and his heart was also happy.

The prisoner didn't sleep very well. He dreamed of a three-hundred round with the hypocrite, and then nine children came, and he took the initiative to send a gift to Rong Qing.

He was awake.

I know that when I open my eyes, I see the scene where the girl is sucking and licking the hair.


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