Quick Transmigration: Rescuing the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 1955: There are evil dragons in the West (36)

The black-haired knight draped down and looked at him. "The Holy See will try its best."

The middle-aged man did not see the words to do his best. Just now, the useless **** official left him or not.

He thought of this, almost angry, "The Holy See can only watch the monsters and undead attack us now? If it were not for us, what is the meaning of the Holy See?"

The more he wants to be more disappointed, the status and prestige of the Holy See are based on the believers' faith in them.

However, when the believers are in trouble, what is presented to them is this.

Middle-aged men can even hear the prayers of many people. Although they are suffering, they are extremely pious.

He almost muttered, "Guangming God, do you hear your followers?"

The black-haired knight looked at the look of the man in the middle of the man, and he did not speak slowly. "The Holy See will help you, sir."

The anger and disappointment of middle-aged men cannot be suppressed. "If you really want these believers, we will expel those undead and demons, not as hypocritical as they are now."

The knight did not speak, just looking at the believers who prayed.

The middle-aged man looked down at his gaze and sighed incomprehensibly. "Sorry, this knight, I just feel a little disappointed."

The handsome knight shook his head. "I am thinking about one thing."

He looked at those people and whispered, "Do you really hear our prayers?"

The middle-aged man said without hesitation, "Of course, because the God of Light God loves his followers."

The Cavaliers whispered, "I thought so at the beginning, but now I am not sure."

The middle-aged man stumbled.

My heart suddenly seemed to be splashed with cold water.

The situation has become more and more serious, but the Holy See has no solution, and more and more people are hurt. Not only that, but the monsters and undead have become more and more unscrupulous.

Every day, countless believers are praying to the **** of light, but like the sinking sea, there is no movement.

At this moment, the knight spoke a word, with a slight incomprehensible loss. "Why didn't the bright gods listen to our prayers, did they abandon our believers..."

If ever, as a loyal follower, middle-aged men have long blamed the knight's words.

But now, I don't know what kind of psychology, he stunned, and the throat seemed to be given something to the card owner, and he couldn't spit out half a word.


Can the bright **** not see that his followers are suffering?

Still... their gods abandoned them.


At this time, the Holy See was busy and exhausted. The things that have been neglected in these years, or the scornful places, once it broke out, there is no room for compensation.

Rotting is born from the inside, and it is useless to make up for it.

Most importantly, they are trying to work with other races. After all, there is a question about the survival of the Seymouro Continent. Even if it is an elf, you have to think twice.

But who can think of it, at this festival, an elf of the elves is killed, and it is a human being who kills the elf.

Originally, the relationship with the Terran was poor. Now the Elves are even more arguing that they will always be evil with the Terran.

The gnomes and the dragons have always been isolated from the world. It is already difficult to find them, let alone other things.


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