Avril has never seen such a person.

The appearance is clean with a sacred glory that belongs to the light, but now it is lying on the bed in a messy manner, with a tide on the face||Red, any man who sees it will be hooked out of the most primitive desires and inferiority.

She couldn't help but hold her breath.

Until a beam of gaze falls on one's own body.

Avril raised her face and confronted the man with cold eyes.

Like no human feelings, without a little temperature, the dawn is very deep.

She didn't dare to take a look and rushed downstairs.

Until the return to the original position, Avril's heart is still jumping wildly.

Angus took the wine glass and came over and joked. "Hey, does he have a different attitude towards you?"

Avril shook her head.

She can even perceive the darkness of men who are terrible than the undead of the devil.

Although the appearance of the other side seems to be inconsistent with those ugly monsters.

But she is more concerned about the appearance of the girl she saw.

Avril Lavigne is a bit dazed.

Even throwing her love for men behind her head.

Angus shook his hand, "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

"Angus, she is really beautiful." Avril blushes involuntarily.

She only wants the tide on the girl's face||red, the white skin is contrasted with the silver hair, the clean and holy atmosphere is destroyed and destroyed, and the heart can't help but jump wildly.

Angus was a strange face, completely incomprehensible. "She? Who is she? That lady's companion?"

Seeing the curiosity in the other's eyes, Avril did not know what kind of mentality, subconsciously unwilling to let other people see the girl's appearance, shaking her head, "No, nothing, you should not put it in your heart."

She has not been so concerned about the handsome looks and attitudes of men.

On the contrary, when thinking of a girl, Avril even had a jealousy for the other party.

She was shocked by her own thoughts.


After the handsome knight came back, he kissed his lips again.

He looked at the person under his body, and the light was darker and darker.


Not enough, not enough.

The girl's red eyes dripped down a tear, clinging to the sheets, and even left a scratch on the back of the knight.

She whispered, pleading, and even pleased.

But in exchange for a deeper possession.


Shen Mubai ate a bit of bitter fruit for a few days. As for the beginning, she wanted to use the eggs that did not exist, in an attempt to get Raphael’s guilty conscience.

She is not willing to think back.

Jinlong already knew that she had no children in her stomach, and even misunderstood her to design this conspiracy in order to return to the Holy See, for the so-called God of Light.

The **** she believes in and believes in.

As for what to explain, the other party has completely distrusted.

Shen Mubai thought of this, could not help but choked.

The reason is that Rafael did not stop her wandering her for a few days and nights.

Jinlong is even stronger than any race in that area, not to mention that since she escaped, Raphael has returned to black, even more than before, can be imagined.

Until the night fell, the other party stopped taking possession.

Lying in bed dying, Raphael didn't know when to go out.

Shen Mubai wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Men are big pig hooves.

Just then, the door was knocked a few times.

She hesitated, or dragged the broken body past, "Who?"

The girl’s voice came from outside. “I sent you something that you told me.”


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