Quick Transmigration: Rescuing the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 224: Cat becoming a male owner (37)

Shenmubai sighed a little, and it was too difficult for the shovel to get angry.

The slender fingers licked the furry head, and the river faintly said, "Hey."

Shen Mubai smashed his hand. When he just slammed, he heard the system in his mind yelling. "There is a car out of control. It is going in the direction of the man. It’s too late. I will change it for you first." Everybody."

Shen Mubai only felt that he was a heavy figure. She didn't have time to think about what kind of reaction the male lord would have. She threw him to the side with open arms.

The sharp brakes sounded, and then the body was light, and Shen Mubai returned to the appearance of a cat.

The driver on the car turned the wrong way because he suddenly lost control. It was obviously scared. When he saw the person in front of him fall down and quickly got off the bus, his face still had a look of horror. "Young man, you are fine. ""

The girl’s body and the touch of her hair across her face remained faint, with a touch of scent of the bath, and Jiang’s face with a look of sorrow, when the driver’s anxiously reached over, refused the other Good intentions.

Standing up, his eyes fell on the cat who was lying on the ground and looked very innocent. Jiang Yiran slid through a trace of unclear look, then bent over and picked up the other person, using one hand to fall off School bag on the ground.

The driver is obviously not at ease. "I really can't help the young man. I don't know why the car suddenly gets out of control. Would you like to go to the hospital with me?"

Rejecting the other party’s kindness again, Jiang faintly said, “I’m fine, I’ll be careful when I get off the bus.”

The driver was stunned and hurried.

After the boy turned and left, he remembered something at this moment, muttering to himself. "How did I seem to have seen a girl just now, isn’t it a ghost? It’s really evil. I must go to worship the next day. ""

At this time, Shen Mubai’s body was stiff and stayed in Jiang’s arms, but after seeing the other party, there was no special reaction, and he quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

She thinks that she will not know what to look for in the future. She can only tell the system. "When it is over, you will not be allowed to become fine after the founding of the People's Republic. You will let me finish the task next time."

The system said, "It’s a good thing to show your feet."

Shen Mubai admire the system that can still be so calm now, and has nothing to say.

After returning home, Jiang Yiran put her down and went to the bathroom to disinfect as usual.

Shen Mubai couldn't figure out his true attitude, and he was particularly embarrassed to keep up with it. He had to jump on the tatami, and he squatted on it, staring straight at it.

After the other party came out, he quickly bowed his head and pretended that he was not peeking.

However, when he looked up again, Jiang Yiran had disappeared. Shen Mubai said that he was disappointed or lost. He screamed at the tatami.

She clearly felt the faint attitude change of the shovel officer, feeling that she was left out, and sad and wronged.

I don’t know how long it took, and Jiang Yiran, who had changed his clothes, came down from the second floor. He first took out a few small fish to fill the stomach with Shen Mubai. He couldn’t see any look in the drooping eyelids, quiet and silent. With.

Shen Mubai took a small fish, but his eyes were always staring at him. After eating the dried fish, he tentatively licked the other's fingers, and then cautiously made a slap.


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