Quick Transmigration: Rescuing the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 2665: I wore a green hat to my brother/brother (21)

It didn't take long for Shen Mubai to regret it. She was grinding and staying in the seat. After Jiang Min came out of the classroom, it was like a thief. I touched those snacks back.

Then my heart sighed a little.

This is practical.

Otherwise, there is nothing to lose weight.

Then pick up the bag and walk out of the classroom briskly.


Shen Mubai stopped, and some doubted whether his eyes were wrong. She turned her face and put on a pair of cold Danfeng eyes.

Cheng Yibei leaned against the door and saw her look over. He stood up straight and took the pace of his feet and came to this side.

"Cheng classmate?" She couldn't help but step back a small step and stuttered. "How are you here?"

The boy gave her a look. "How are you here, how can I be here?"

Shen Mubai’s head didn’t quite understand, and he thought about the meaning of this sentence in his heart, but he couldn’t figure it out. I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and nervous about holding the bag.

Wait, here you can eat it.

Her vigilant thoughts must not be discovered by the other party.

So I immediately stiffened my body. "I will go home first, Cheng classmates, see you tomorrow."

Before I even had time to sneak away, I heard a faint voice coming from behind me. "Do you hide from me? I will still eat you?"

Shen Mubai will not move.

Unlike Cheng Yinan, the atmosphere of the other side is very cold, but the speech gives a strong command, and the involuntarily is taken away by the nose.

She was holding her bag there, and she was very clever and obedient with her eyes wide open.

"Cheng classmates..."

Cheng Yibei looked at her for a while, took the lead and went out, "Go."

Shen Mubai did not understand the meaning of it, watching the figure of the boy, followed up.

But until the road was out of the school for a while, the other party did not say anything.

She tentatively asked, "Cheng, do you have anything?"

Cheng Yibei’s unhurried pace, even if it stops, will only be less than a few steps away. The deep eyes were seen, and some of them meant that "I don't mean to chase me?"

Although they are twins, they have the same face. Even if the two brothers stand together, they can quickly distinguish the difference between the two.

Cheng Yinan's personal charm lies in his sloppy, sloppy, smoking, always like to be caught between the fingers, leaning on the side, and then looking at you with those eyes, the look is careless.

Cheng Yibei is undoubtedly meticulous. He will never let his clothes be messy and look clean and extravagant. He looks at you more, and you will be somewhat flattered by subconsciousness.

In front of everyone, Cheng Yibei is a top student, a male **** that cannot be touched, and a pride of the third.

For example, now, when he looks down slightly, you can't tell, what kind of look is inside.

The heart of Shen Mubai suddenly protruded and did not dare to guess the meaning of this.

I can only pretend to be a bit happy to look at people. "Course classmates mean, can I?"

"That depends on your performance." Cheng Yibei thin lips slightly open.

She has the courage to "I.. I will work hard."

The boys didn’t talk. When they parted ways, they suddenly said, “What have you been taking?”

Shen Mubai, "..."

She pretended not to understand, "No."

Cheng Yibei stared at her face and smiled lightly. "Is it?"

. . .


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