Quick Transmigration: Rescuing the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 438: I heard that you are refrigerated (39)

Yu Jingchen holds the microphone, and the smile on his face is modest and embarrassing. "Is it going to drink chili water?"

Lin Man smiled. "Our program group can't do this. I'm afraid fans are sending a blade of a car." She wants to say to Shen Mubai, "Xiaoxing, what do you think?"

Shen Mubai shook his head and said, "I can't think of it."

Linman said, "Then we will announce the punishment content." She blinked. "One of the audience just guessed one of them, the princess."

The audience under the audience gave a fierce cheer.

Before the party reacted, she followed. "This is Jingchen's punishment. As for Hyosung's..." Linman's tone paused. "Through the mouth to feed the other chocolate bar, then slowly eat it." Note that only the parties can move."

Shen Mubai squinted and said, "Is there only one punishment?"

Lin Man smiled. "With only one punishment, there is nothing to look at." She said to Zhang Hao two people, "What do you think?"

Wu Xueqing echoed, "Mr. Man is right."

Zhang Hao, even if he is not happy in his heart, he has to be superficial.

The first is the punishment that Yu Jingchen received. He seems to be embarrassed. He is shy and shy. "Sister Xiaoxing, can I hold you?"

If someone asks this extra sentence, I am afraid that it will be spit on the audience, but it can be placed on Yu Jingchen's body, but it is surprising that the cute heart is soft.

Shen Mubai said, "Yes, but I am a bit heavy."

Yu Jingchen grinned and smiled. "Then I can try to hold the Hyosung sister up." He said, slightly bending over and holding the whole princess of Shen Mubai, the audience could not give a small exclamation.

Shen Mubai subconsciously grabbed the other's neck, Yu Jingchen's bright eyes stared at her, soft smile, "very light."

Shen Mubai was embarrassed to touch his nose. "I thought I was getting fat for a while."

There were a couple of cp powders on the scene. When I saw this scene, I felt that there seemed to be pink bubbles floating around.

The host, Lin Man, joked on the side. "This is also a make up for the regret of the drama in the Qing Dynasty. I like Luo Yao. I have a sweet cp dog food."

When she went to Shen Mubai's punishment section, she was a little embarrassed when she stared at Yu Jingchen's ignorant and clean voice.

Hosted, "It can be seen that our Hyosung is a bit shy."

Shen Mubai grabbed the head and said, "Because I have a sense of guilt that is cheaper for my younger brother."

Linman groaned and said with a smile, "You are not a few months older than Jingchen."

Shen Mubai said seriously, "Jingchen is a very good boy. You just need to stare at his clean and bright scorpion and you will know why it feels like this."

Linman said, "It seems that you have a very high evaluation of each other. If you don't say much, Hyosung, let's go."

Shen Mubai leaned over and looked at the chocolate bar that Yu Jingchen was licking, secretly biting his teeth, and then the mouth contained it.

This chocolate bar is sweet, and Shen Mubai forgets to eat when he eats and eats.

Yu Jingchen hangs his eyes, his eyelashes are a little uncomfortable, his face is thin and flush, and he seems to feel a little nervous and shy.

As the lips of the two sides get closer and closer, the voices in the audience are getting louder and louder.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Shen Mubai remembered to stop her mouth. She raised her face and licked the sweetness of her lips. She said seriously, "Man, how are the chocolate bars of your program group bought?"


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