Her voice just fell, and a few people came in from the door, slightly decapitated, and then pulled the three out, accompanied by a few petitions, "Master, we never again Dare, ask for grace."

Shen Mubai directly wants to abolish their cultivation, but only people have restrictions. They can only come to the Japanese side to make plans.

She told one of the chores, "You are going to make a feast."

That chores, "Yes, real people."

It didn't take long for a teenager in black to walk in. He was full of gloom and his head was low on the hall. His voice was low. "The disciples feasted and met the master."

Shen Mubai gave him a few bottles of medicinal herbs and a secret method. The tone was cold and cold. "Before you were stunned by the teacher, these things will be used as compensation for you."

In fact, she does not want to talk to the male owner in such a disgusting tone, but Liu Yue really is like this, she is so proud of her heart, even if she knows that she is wrong, she will not apologize. At most, I will only take some things and send people away.

The feast only raised his face slightly. He had a very beautiful face, a knife-like eyebrow, and a deep scorpion gave a gloomy feeling. When the line of sight touched the things in front of him, he said a little, "Thank you for your respect."

The tone is very dull, not flattered, and not sorrowful.

The look of the feast is very calm, like a pool of stagnant water.

Shen Mubai knows that the other party will not change himself for a while, and because of the person's sake, she can't directly show it. She can only say with a sigh of arrogance. "Go on."

The feast was slightly decapitated, "Yes, Master."

After he went out, Shen Mubai’s distressed system said, “I don’t think it’s good for the man to hate me. It’s too difficult to change his impression of me.”

The task of this world is to help the feast to reshape the roots and then enter the Mahayana period within three hundred years.

When Shen Mubai heard this task, he almost didn't take his own dog. It is a difficult thing to say that re-molding Linggen is not going to happen. Three hundred years into the Mahayana period, why not go to heaven.

The explanation given by the system is that as long as the other party is a male owner, nothing is impossible.

What can Shen Mubai say, can only sigh, then take the task.

It’s just that the most important thing now is how to put the man around and not let anyone suspect that something is wrong.

Three hundred years of time sounds long, but for the comprehension world, it is just a matter of closing several times.

The class of the comprehension is built by the foundation, Jin Dan, Yuan Ying, out of the hustle and bustle, distraction, fit, and then to the Mahayana. After the Mahayana, it is a catastrophe.

But now the aura of comprehension is not as good as it used to be. The treasures of heaven and earth are hard to find. Although Qiyangzong is a big sect, it is not easy to get in touch with those things.

Shen Mubai didn't want to wait for a month's people to set aside the past, only to put the man to the side. Not to mention that the time of a month is not short, and if she suddenly changes her temper and attitude, and she is convinced of a disciple who has been ruined by the roots, it will certainly cause other people's doubts, such as what to win.

Although the system has helped her to integrate perfectly with this body, it is less irritating without the necessary trouble.

Just when Shen Mubai thought about the pain in his mind for a few days, the head of the family invited her to go to the matter.


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