Although the situation is still not optimistic, but the medicinal bath proved useful during this time, otherwise it will waste her efforts and energy.

Thinking this way, Shen Mubai breathed a sigh of relief and his tone was faint. "The medicinal bath of this time is not useless. Although there is no improvement, it is only the first step."

The feast sighed back. "Thank you for your hard work."

His tone was very calm, so he couldn't hear whether he was a sincere thank or a formal answer.

So she began to say, "First come to this paragraph, a few days later for the teacher to be for you.. Wash the whole body meridians and bones, although your body bones are one-of-a-kind among the mortals, but in the end is not a monk, this pain even the cultivation of immortals People may not be able to hold it, you..."

The feast of the feast was flat. "It’s a waste now, and it’s fine to try it."

Shen Mubai couldn’t help but say, “You can walk around this snowy peak in these few days.”

The feast responded, "The disciple knows."

Just in the days when Shen Mubai had prepared for the feast of the meditation, the three disciples heard about the time. One by one, it was sorrow and indignation.

Especially the big disciple Zhao He, he was the first inner disciple of Su Yizhen. He had three Linggen. He was quite heavy at the beginning, but he stayed in the middle of the foundation for many years and still could not break through.

Suyi real people will pay more attention to him at the beginning. Later, disappointment will put hope on the other two disciples, but still did not meet the expectations of the heart.

Originally, I wanted to collect more than a few inner disciples. It was only then that she only wanted to break through the middle of Jindan, and she simply put it aside. Later, it was calculated by Yuanling, and there was no idea of ​​giving birth.

"This feast is nothing but a waste. Is there anything worthy of respect from the teacher?" Zhao Wo sneered, and his hatred was unwilling.

The second disciple Zhang San is second only to Zhao He’s cultivation. He used to secretly admire the masters, but now he has a feast. The masters have never been so good to them, let alone a waste without roots, resentment. Difficult to say, "Wait, this feast will be abandoned by the Master."

"What is the intention of the second brother?" Zhou Jiaqing, the three disciples, made a slight move and asked quickly.

Zhang San is very proud. "In the last few days, you guessed what I had heard? You really want to be a master. Do you really want to repair the roots for that feast? Master dislikes him as a fact we all know, if not because of that. On the day of the discussion, the real person of Yuan Ling is always tempted by this feast to spur the master. The master will bet with him and he will cure the feast of this feast. Otherwise, do you think that the master is suddenly It’s so close to this waste.”

The three of them may be too excited and ignore the distance. The Lord in their mouth is quietly parked there, listening to the dialogue of several people, and slowly tightening their hands and finally making a fist.

Zhao He is very different. "Two younger brothers, what you said is true?"

Zhang San replied, "Of course it is true. Many people know this thing. You just need to ask one of the peak disciples." He said that this hate said, "If it is not because of this feast, we respect And Xueling Peak will not be laughed at by others, like his waste, why not die."


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