Although the odds are not big, but it is better than sitting still, and she can go in and protect the other party, and it may be possible to cultivate the feelings of the mentoring.

With this in mind, this decision is really wise to be wise.

The blood in the throat rushed up, and Shen Mubai's body trembled unsteadily. The feast of the side was holding her hand quickly. Looking at the coveted, Shen Sheng asked, "Master?"

Shen Mubai’s body is losing too much, not to mention the fact that the two months have been constantly dying for each other. It is already very good to be able to support this level.

She waved her hand, "Nothing."

Just just want to stand up, her feet soft and fell into the strong warm embrace.

Shen Mubai, "....." The old face was thrown away.

Obviously, Shen Mubai still wants to keep a little dignity and majesty in front of his apprentice, so he coughs and coughs, so he is serious. "It will be fine for the teacher to rest for a while."

She wanted to sacrifice the instrument and found that she didn't even have the strength.

This is very embarrassing.

So the scene was silent for a moment, perhaps it was perceived, and the feast was out. "Let the disciples send the teacher back."

I haven’t waited for Shen Mubai to return, and it’s convenient to hold her into her arms, accompanied by a low voice, “offended.”

Shen Mubai only felt that his face as a teacher had disappeared in an instant, so she was quite arrogant and self-deprecating. "I don't allow another second."

The feast was slightly stunned, and the eyes fell on her face. When Shen Mubai felt that she was somewhat uncomfortable, the other party looked at her and whispered back in a flash. "Well."

A few days, enough to let Shen Mubai adjust, although not to let the body return to the best state, after all, lost half of Jin Dan is not a joke.

On the day when the mystery began, Shen Mubai took a few apprentices and went to the venue to gather.

She wore a pale gold Xiangyun fairy skirt, and her posture was as good as that of a real person, but it was a little different. She was less sharp and more powerful, so that the eyes of others could not help but look forward to it.

"That is the uncle of the plain clothes? It is really extraordinary."

"How the uncles and uncles are different from what I saw last time. Although I can't say where things are wrong, I always feel that my temperament is not normal."

"For the first time, I feel that the uncle of the plains is really good-looking. Compared with the sister in the Zongmen and the teacher, it is not bad at all, but it has a flavor."

"You dare to compare her with the teacher and sister of the same door. If it is heard, is it not to be killed?"

Yes, although Su Yizhen was in the middle of Jindan in the mid-100s, it was considered to be one of the best in the Zongmen. However, if he was arrogant and arrogant, if he was not happy, it would be unreasonable. I have seen her disciples in the past and can hide and hide. In the back, he also gave a name, tigress.

Perhaps it was the thought of the past. The disciples slammed their mouths and shifted the subject. "Why did the uncle of the plains and sisters bring the feast with him, wouldn't he want him to enter this little secret?"

"How is it possible? Isn't that feast already a waste? Nothing has been done to get into the secret, even if it is entered, I am afraid that it will not be long before I die."

"Wait, how did I notice that the smell on his body is a little different... It seems to be the aura of the talents of comprehension."


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