After the magic repair was hit back, it disappeared and disappeared until now.

Although Chang Yi felt that it was not very likely, but the crisis left too much impression many years ago, she took out the magic weapon of the soul search, "take some personal belongings."

Yuan Ling was already ready, and immediately handed it up.

Chang Yi is just extracting a few pre-life breaths, waiting for one by one to search for their souls and call them.

But as time passed, the look on his face became more and more dignified.

Yuan Ling, who was on the side, said, "How is the teacher?"

Chang Yi took back the mana and took a sharp look in the middle. "The souls of these people are no longer in the world."

Yuan Ling screamed, "Is it already reincarnation?"

Chang Yi gave him a cold look. "As a monk, if the soul is not broken up, it will take at least a hundred years to reincarnate."

Yuan Ling was shocked. "Is it really said by me, is the magic repairing the three good souls of mys?"

Chang Yi took back the magic weapon and said faintly, "Only when you enter the distraction period, you have the ability to break up the soul. And the small secret can only let the people who are trained in the middle of Jindan go in. If I guess it is correct, there will be What magic weapon has hidden the souls of your three disciples, even I can't find a point." He narrowed his eyes. "Who is there, there is such a magic weapon, lurking in my Qiyangzong What is the purpose?"

The pressure on his body was so strong that he couldn’t breathe. When the teacher’s ancestors were really angry, the thoughts in the brain turned, and the opening was a sentence. “Zhuzu, I have a skeptical person in my heart, I don’t know if I’m not talking about it. ”

Chang Yi returned to the seat and said faintly, "Who?"

Yuan Linggong respectfully said, "It is the feast."

"Is he just a disciple whose roots have been destroyed?" Chang Biao.

Yuan Ling immediately replied, "That is, I haven't said anything later. That is the real thing that the real thing is to make a feast for the feast, and it will become a pseudo-root in the secret, but it will become a year in the secret. The double Ling root, more than two years into the middle of the foundation. Now and the Suyi real person came back from the door for 50 years, turned into the early Jindan!"

When he said this, his heart was both awkward and resentful.

This feast has such qualifications and talents. Resentment should have been his apprentice, but he was taken advantage of the real thing.

How can he not hate in his heart, even if it can't be obtained, it will ruin this feast.

Rao, who has lived for more than a thousand years, couldn’t help but show his astonished look. He must know that he was only 100 years old when he was qualified, and he entered the early days of Jindan, and this boy named feast only spent seventy years. The time has been so great, and his spiritual root is not the best single root.

"Interesting, I would like to see what is different in this son?" Although there is a hesitation in Changyi's heart, it is more curious about those who are so talented, and there is a hint of incomprehensibility.

He is also a rare genius in the real world. Although he is also a double spiritual root, he is still not comparable to this little boy. Even though he has become a powerful person in distraction, he is still somewhat unhappy.

Yuan Ling heard the inscrutable in his words. At the moment, he was happy, and he said, "After January, it is Zongmen Dabi. At that time, the ancestors can watch the feast of the feast. If there is any difference in him. Wherever, the ancestors of the ancestors can be seen as high-level."


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