Several elders have seen it, and the heart is sure that this magical repair has a certain amount of mentoring.

"His repairs have been ruined, and now he wants to escape and escape."

Although I know that Qiyang Zong will not let go of the feast easily, but Shen Mubai can't help but feel a bit angry when he hears this answer. She never believes that the feast will kill innocent people, even if she kills Yuan Ling. A disciple, there must be a reason for him. However, Qiyang Zong may not care about this. In their eyes, the feast is a magic repair, it is necessary to remove it, whether or not he has done anything that is damaging.

The magic repair is going to be smashed. This is the practice of the so-called decent ones for thousands of years.

Even if the blood in the heart surges, the surface of the wood should still be pretending to be unintentional. "Several elders, can you interrogate me here?"


A few people have lived, and thought about it a few more times. "We have believed in the real thing."

Shen Mubai is very clear in his heart. The reason why they say this is nothing more than to think that she is a Jindan real person who has been seriously damaged by Dantian. Even if she has any thoughts, it is impossible to save her feast. What's more, there are also multiple arrays around, and there are many monks who are highly educated around.

Moreover, even if this feast can break free, there is a great power in the Zongmen, where he can escape.

When the elders went out, Shen Mubai quietly looked at the feast, and his tone was faint. "Long time no see."

My heart is very embarrassing, to know that her purpose this time, although it is to save the feast, but also to pull the value of hatred.

"Master Shi..." The feast of the feast was dark, but there was a bit of hope and hope.

Shen Mubai removed his gaze. "Don't call me like this. I have already driven you out of Xueling Peak. You are no longer my disciple."

The fire in the eyes faded in an instant, and the feast stared at her for a moment, and the voice was as blunt as blunt. "Master, demon, but never done anything that hurts the world, that Yuan Ling Three disciples..."

Shen Mubai cold and cold, "I don't care what you have in the past, you are a magic repair, you will be with a kind heart, my Liu Yuezheng most hated is the magic repair! If you are not thinking about you, there are many hidden Secret, I killed you that day!"

There was no trace of emotion in the coldness of her eyes. It was like watching a disgusting thing. The feast only felt that the heart in the chest seemed to be shattered. The mouth could not stop the blood spilling. He coughed a few times. , staring at Shen Mubai tightly, "What does the teacher say is true?"

Before she waited for her to return, the feast said to herself, "I don't believe it, the teacher respects the half a golden dragon for the disciples, and the next time the rescuer is in distress..." The child looked at Shen Mubai, his voice was hoarse, and the blood on his face had solidified into black. "I don't believe that Master respects me so much."

Shen Mubai sneered a sneer, and there was no warmth in the past. "At that time, Yuan Ling threw a waste to me. Even though I have too much resentment and unwillingness in my heart, Qiyang is watching me up and down. Liu Yue really laughed, and Yuan Ling was laughing at me in front of the head and many elders, and I bet that I must beat their faces. But now, I only regret that I had dug the Jin Dan. You are such a enchanting! If I know everything about today, I have already killed you in the first place!"


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