Quick Transmigration: Rescuing the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 631: My sister can't be so popular (80)

She sat in front of the table in a cold look, but her eyes were still involuntarily attracted to the past.

Lu Libei flashed a little smile in her, and she took a braised pork for her. The temperature was gentle. "Now it's just ordinary home cooking. I will learn better later."

More than a month, not to mention taking time out of school to learn, it is already very powerful, not to mention the look of eating.

Shen Mubai put the braised pork in his mouth and couldn't help but round the scorpion.

The fat is not greasy, the key is that the juice is very flavorful and it is delicious.

People are more mad than people, not only the mind, but even learning things, talent and speed are much better than ordinary people.

Although it was delicious, Shen Mubai didn’t want to let the other person swear, so he cleared his throat and said, “This taste is OK.”

The girl’s eyes are slightly bright, and Lu Libei only feels that the chest is filled with somewhere, and the temperature is judo. “I will do better next time.”

Shen Mubaiyi tasted it again and found that the other party is really very talented in cooking. The movement in the hand is not fast or slow, and the stomach is directly eaten into a small round skin.

She was lying on the sofa, and Lu Libei washed the dishes under the sink.

I couldn't help but take a nap and thought, actually, it is not so bad to live here, it is simply beautiful.

The same full-fleded dumplings turned over the white belly, lying lazily on the blanket and licking the tail.

At this time, Shen Mubai did not know, she set a flag for herself.

In this way, after a few days, three meals a day were contracted by Lu Libei.

When Shen Mubai was bored, he played in the bedroom bed, just to the most important level. She secretly prepared a cup of coffee for herself, and planned to pass the last pass tonight.

When the coffee was not so hot, she took some mobile phones and held a coffee cup. Wechat just popped up, "Don't play the game so late, go to bed early."

The hand almost trembled, but fortunately, Shen Mubai stabilized in time.

She was about to return something, and the furry touch around her didn't scare her out of heart disease.

Looking at it, the original dumpling did not know when it slipped in. At this moment, it was jumping up, and the girl stared at her and snorted.

Shen Mubai took a slow breath and said, "Now you have no time to play with you, hehe."

She bowed her head back to the message and took a sip of coffee.

Perhaps unwilling to be lonely, the dumpling stared at her for a little while, then tried to climb to her shoulder.

Unable to prevent the raid, Shen Mubai slipped a hand, and the coffee in the cup was sprinkled on the sheet and cup.


She quickly put the cup on the table and tried to save.

But it was too late, the coffee penetrated a clean, and a thick taste spread.

Shen Mubai looked blank in front of this scene.

Perhaps it is because I know that I am making a mistake, the dumplings shrink and shrink, and she softly screams at her.

Shen Mubai took a deep breath and then squeezed a smile. "Baby, you are in a big disaster. You want me to sleep tonight, sleep with you in the cat's nest?"

Tang Yuanzheng responded with a cry, "Hey~"

Shen Mubai was almost mad at it and didn't eat cats, then squatted on the back of his neck and left the bed. "You don't mess up."

She licked the quilt and sheets and found that the coverage was too large, not to mention that it was winter and could not sleep at all.


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