Quick Transmigration: Rescuing the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 637: My sister can't be so popular (86)

The little nurse couldn’t help but sneak a glimpse at the ward. Bookstore (.VoDt.com)

She knew that the woman was beautiful, a thrilling beauty, lying quietly there, pale, and still did not lose this beauty.

The little nurse was slightly lost for a while, then turned his attention to another person.

The other side's face was perfect. The light under the gold-rimmed glasses looked at the bed gently, holding her hands and kissing carefully, as if she was a porcelain doll, the next moment would suddenly break. .

“The dumpling is very naughty, and I broke a vase early today.”

"But I can't bear to yell at it. I'm afraid you wake up. What does it do for you?"

The low and soft voice of the other party sounded in the ward and fell into the ear of the little nurse.

Very gentle and very nice.

But only left to a person.

She had seen the other person and the person talking before, gentle, but with a faint alienation.

The little nurse liked it at a glance, so she looked forward to the other day.

When she saw that this person was completely different from her usual, she couldn’t help but feel a little bit mad, and her heart was a little sour.

The woman she envied the bed, too.

The other person was still talking to the person who was whispering to the bed, and then suddenly stopped.

The little nurse was shocked and thought he was discovered.

Then she saw that the person holding the bedman's hand and sticking it to her face. She couldn't see the look of the other person's face. She could only hear the slight, soothing voice low. "Would you wake up?" ”

It is still a gentle voice that makes people want to cry.

The bed man did not react in a slight light, still lying there quietly.

Her eyes were closed, long eyelashes bet a faint shadow under the eyes, but there was no sign of waking up, and someone said something in her ear for three years.

"I really can't help you." The owner of the voice used a helpless voice, with a hint of tenderness.

The little nurse stopped directly.

"Before the older brother planned to wait for your life for a lifetime, now I have to wait for you to wake up for a lifetime." The other person turned his back to her, and the long-skinned hand touched the man's cheek gently.

His back has a bit of loneliness.

The little nurse couldn't help but burst into tears.

She didn't know why, the man who had a trampoline before, but now she has no hope that she can wake up.

Quietly close the door of the ward, the little nurse turned and couldn't make a sound.

She wiped her face with tears, but found that she could not finish it.


The other party came over again, still carrying a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

The slender figure and tall body made many women in the hospital look sideways, and the narrow eyes under the gold wire glasses are a gentle look.

The former little nurse thought that he was the gentlest in this way, but now she doesn't think so.

Someone next to him said, "Hey, he is coming again. Would you like to try to say hello?"

The little nurse shook his head.

Later, she asked from time to time, "Was the lady in the 211 ward woke up?"


This question is five years, she is married, because many reasons to quit the job of the hospital.

When she left, she asked again, "Was the lady awake?"

"No." Still the answer.

The little nurse couldn't help but sigh, and when she turned to see it, she saw each other.

In the past five years, the beautiful face of Wen Erya has become more mature and attractive.

She raised her courage, "Hello, sir."

The other party whispered a little, and then used a gentle and alienated tone. "Hello, is there anything?"

The little nurse looked at him and showed a big smile. "I hope your wife can wake up soon."

Perhaps her sincere tone touched the other person's heart. The man showed a soft smile and the temperature was warm. "Thank you."

The little nurse left, and she followed her husband to another city.

When you remember it occasionally, you will make a call to a colleague who is still working in that hospital.

"Was the lady woke up?"

"I have changed a hospital... thank you..."

Her husband asked, "Your friend?"

The little nurse shook his head. "It’s a gentleman’s lover."

"He is waiting for her to wake up."




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