Quick Transmigration: Rescuing the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 670: I really want to eat you in my stomach (33)

Putting the big egg into the energy bag, Shen Mubai thought about it and said hello to Wright before leaving.

As for the prepared rhetoric, it was silver and she was awkward, and one left home.

Wright worried about her. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Shen Mubai shook his head and hesitated. "Wright, we may not return to Doma Planet in the future."

Wright was a little surprised and sad, but he blessed, "Well, I hope you can find silver as soon as possible."

Shen Mubai said to him, "Wright, you can continue to sell cakes on Doma Planet. Of course, this depends on your own choice."

Wright nodded hesitantly.

After boarding the spaceship, a destination for Shen Mubai is the planet of Yafu.

Sure enough, the progress bar on the egg head reached 10%.

In other words, her guess is correct.

Although I really want to continue to the next destination, there are very few stars left.

Shen Mubai only settled on the planet Yafu and started to make a cake.

The Yafu planet is much better than the Doma planet, both in order and in other conditions, not only because it is a superior planet, but also because the coalition government and the military commission here are much more reliable.

The people here are very good at living conditions, and they are also curious and tolerant about novel foods.

Shen Mubai’s cake sold well, and in just one week, he got an objective income.

But the silver that has changed back to the big egg still has no movement, and it is dead and heavy.

Shen Mubai did not stay on the planet for a long time, and immediately went to the next destination.

Until the Rose Planet, the progress bar on the big egg reached 50%, and it stopped moving.

Shen Mubai went on several planets and still kept the original numbers.

During this time, something happened to the hearts of the stars.

That is, the Zerg, who has not seen for a long time, is starting to move on several planets.

At first, no one discovered it. Because these zerg are good at camouflage, the higher zerg among them can be transformed into a human appearance. Only once, after being seen out of the original shape, they discovered that the zerg that had disappeared for a long time was renewed. Secretly lurking in the crowd.

But this time, the difference is that the Zerg's crouching seems to be looking for something, but in any case, they and the human being are natural enemies, the military and political forces unite, guarding every entry point, the streets are bleak, if there is any suspicious person , will be sent to the agency for precise and strict inspection.

The war between humans and Zerg seems to be starting again.

Shen Mubai did not know whether silver was a Zerg, but according to the news she had explored, the Zerg's body was not like silver, but had a strange shell. They seemed to be not interested in eating people.

The same is true in past wars. The Zerg wants to expand the territory. Their natural mission is to replace human beings. They love blood and love killing, and want to occupy all the planets inhabited by human beings.

But silver is a cannibal.

Shen Mubai couldn't figure it out, but she didn't dare to take the risk. Just staying on the inner planet called Wilman, who lives on the high-class planet, is living a simple life.

Few people came out on the street, and she figured out that she would not get any income to sell the cake. She just stayed in the house, stared at the progress bar on the egg, and then sighed slowly.


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