Quick Transmigration: Rescuing the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 817: Hey, I am behind you (33)

Letter in Chinese. The fastest update to wear the latest chapter of the rescue black boss boss!

Shen Mubai shook his head. "It should not be."

Chen Jiahui sat silently on the ground, but the slightly trembling hands exposed his mood.

Zhou Hao looked up and worried and looked around. The eyes were full of fear, and they walked toward the middle of several people.

But no one cares about his little tricks.

There was a gust of wind on the roof, with a little coolness.

A few people who are close together are blowing a goose bump and chill.

Du Yao, the most timid of them, couldn’t help but stick it to the side.

Shen Mubai gave her a look and did not speak.

Instead, Du Yao whispered to her because of fear, "Xia Ye."

Shen Mubai said, "Is there something?"

Her attitude has inevitably brought a little personal emotion, which is much colder than before.

Du Yao also faintly noticed, but she thought it was because Xia Ye was equally afraid, and did not think too much, hesitated and asked carefully, "Left he met... Have you said something else?" ”

Shen Mubai pretends to be incomprehensible. "What?"

"That is..." Du Yao bite her lip with some embarrassment. "What happened before."

"Of course." She looked at the camera with a smile.

Du Yao’s heart jumped and his guilty eyes turned away. “He... what did he say?”

The voices of their speech were not too big or too small. Zhou Wei and Chen Jiahui could naturally hear them. Two people couldn’t help but look at them.

Shen Mubai said one word, "He said..."

Under the gaze of a few people, she slowly said, "He will always remember everything you did to him in junior high school."

Of course, Zuo Yu did not say this. Shen Mubai wanted to scare and scare these people. When they saw the reaction, they were very satisfied.


Under the pale face of a few people, there was a loud noise behind him.

It is the door of the rooftop.

No one dares to look back, as if they look back, they will see something terrible.

Du Yao’s body was completely stiff and his lips trembled.

"What are you so afraid of? What is the door of the roof is blown off by the wind."

In fact, she was also shocked, and almost did not control, she wanted to pull her legs and run down from here.

But she resisted, although she did not know whether the left encounter would come, but with that sentence to kill all Chen Jiahui, Shen Mubai would not have the heart to be lucky.

What's more, the current left encounter is really scary qq.

Chen Jiahui suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and when he returned to God, he found himself in a cold sweat.

When Shen Mubai just wanted to say something, he felt that a cool atmosphere was slowly approaching here.

Not only did she feel it alone, Du Yao was also the same, and the tone that had just slowed down was raised again, and the hard-skinned eyes were blind, and the whole face was as white as a piece of paper.

Shen Mubai can feel that Du Yao’s body is leaning towards this side, even shaking in fear.

"...Left...Left, is it you?" Chen Jiahui daring his head, but his eyes did not dare to look at it.

Zuo Yu did not show up, but everyone could feel the cool atmosphere nearby.

The other party is standing not far away, maybe they are staring at them with those eyes.

Zhou Hao couldn't help but slammed down and slammed his head to the ground, smashing one after another. "Left, I want you to let me go. I know it is wrong. I am sorry for you. I was a ghost." Just like you... I beg you to let me go..."


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