Quick Transmigration: Rescuing the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 900: You are not a neuropathy (33)

She opened the entire document and stopped when she saw the words 067.

The finger trembled a little, and she swallowed hard, and the light from the flashlight slowly moved to the top.

A photo appeared in the gaze, the middle-aged man's face was on top, and the one in the memory completely overlapped.

There was a cold sweat behind Shen Mubai, and her legs and feet were soft and sat on the ground.

The whole person is like a hail, and his hands and feet are shaking uncontrollably.

All the unrelated clues in my mind were all connected, and the pears that were sent to 067 were excavated from the stomach and stomach. He Zeyu's paper towel on the pillow, Xiao Wang. Xiao Zhou, who saw the man who looked at each other in the cafeteria that day, and the 091 who got rid of the waking up.

They are all killed by He Zeyu.

Shen Mubai’s hands and feet are cold, and she couldn’t think of the docile He Zeyu’s murderous murderer.

I haven't waited for her to think carefully about the reason behind this, and the pocket vibrated.

She quickly took out the phone, the caller was the police officer, just pressed the answer button, the other party has already hanged the phone.

When I waited for Shen Mubai to fight, there was only one cold and cold ear. "Sorry, the call you made has been turned off."

She squatted down and an ominous premonition spread throughout her body.

跑 ran out of the archives room, Shen Mubai began to run in the corridor of the hospital, she did not dare to delay any time, for fear that she went late, Xu police officer has been killed.

Thinking of the place where the other side had investigated the clues, she rushed to go, but there was nothing in the empty corridor.

Shen Mubai controlled the breathing, she held her thighs and continued to run.

Until I saw the traces of a pool of blood, on the cold ground, it was particularly glaring.

The phone is lying far away in the corner, has been smashed, and Shenmu Baixin is mentioned in the sky, so the head is blank for a moment.

She paused and walked over and found that a little bit of blood spread straight ahead and printed some faint traces.

It is like being dragged all the way.

Shen Mubai didn't dare to think too much, even though she was afraid of dying, but when she thought that He Zeyu was killing, she couldn't take care of anything.

The atmosphere did not dare to breathe, Shen Mubai went all the way along the blood, and finally went to a material room.

The door has been opened from the outside, and in fact, it is more like being knocked open.

Shen Mubai walked in with a hard scalp, and with the light of the corridor lights, he saw the scene in front of him.

He Zeyu was covered in blood. He carried a corpse in his hand. The other's head slanted down and slanted down and looked at it.

It was a police officer who was still talking to her not long ago.

He Zeyu is clutching the other's head, and his brain is gradually getting him, but he does not mind the action in his hands.

Xu police officer is like a broken doll, letting the other person slowly break his hands and tear the skin off his body until a burst of blood is blurred.

He Zeyu squinted and his face was indifferent to Shen Mubai.

Nearly cruel and cruel.

The scene in front of me was too shocking, and Shen Mubai couldn’t help but hold his mouth, and there was a surge in his stomach.

It is because of this movement that He Zeyu, who was still immersed in the world of ‘fitting’ Xu’s police officer, smashed his head, and then there was a moment of sorrow on his face.


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