Letter in Chinese. The fastest update to wear the latest chapter of the rescue black boss boss!

Chu Baimo stared at the person on the monitor screen to close the door of the bathroom, and then slowly closed his eyes.

He can imagine the beautiful body of the other body, the body lines, the delicate skin, and the slender waist, the water droplets slide down the neck, and then disappear.

Breathing could not help but rushed. He held his fingers in an unbearable manner and was slightly white.

Just thinking can't stand it anymore. If you see it with your own eyes, you are afraid that you can't control yourself.

Chu Bai Mo absolutely does not allow the temporary ruin of his own plan.

He squinted his eyes and walked slowly along the bed with a wheelchair.


The teenager lay sideways on the bed, holding a pillow, buried his face, almost obsessed with the smell.

There was a low laugh in the throat, and he whispered in a hoarse voice. "Sink doctor.. The taste of your body, I like it."

"What? I am not satisfied with what it is now."

After washing, I took a look at the mobile phone, and the metamorphosis did not send any more information.

It seems that moving into the Chu family is a good thing, not only let the metamorphosis stop the pace of tracking, but also eat the dishes made by the chef, such a day, really too happy.

Shen Mubai was a little excited to roll around in bed. She did not notice that her pillow had been replaced with a new one.

Meimei’s sleep, when the morning light came in from the curtains, the person lying on the bed licked the bed and then slowly got up.

She pressed her hair on her head and slowly yawned.

"Good morning." The soft voice of the sound, has been staring at the monitoring of half an hour of Chu Bai ink slightly raised the lips.

"So cute."

Shen Mubai didn't know that he was being looked at, lazily took out his clothes from the closet, and then took off his pajamas.

She bent down slightly and her straight legs were fair and clean.

The people in the surveillance are facing away from themselves, and the good posture falls into their eyes.

The breath of Chu Bai ink stagnated for a moment, clenched his fingers, and the earlobe was stained with a faint blush.

Despite some warmth in his nose, he still couldn't bear to look away, greedy and obsessively staring at the beautiful curve.

Until the other party put on his clothes again, he regretted his disappointment and regained his gaze.

When Shen Mubai went out, he just saw Chu Baimo.

The other person is in a wheelchair and seems to want to close the door.

She quickly went over, "Young Master."

Chu Baiyin turned his face and showed a polite smile on his face. "Early, Shen Shen."

Shen Mubai said, "I will help you."

She was closed, and then pushed the wheelchair. "Is the Qin housekeeper not here?"

"I asked him to do something." The gentle voice of the other party came.

Shen Mubai found that his voice was a bit hoarse and couldn’t help but say, "You are nothing, you are fine?"

"Nothing." The boy paused and replied.

The two men took a trip and a maid began to prepare breakfast.

Shen Mubai was sitting opposite the white ink, and compared to his own breakfast, Chu Baimo was still just a cup of boiling water.

She took a bite of a frying pan and drank a bite of milk, and couldn't help but squint her eyes.

The opposite person's lips were stained with a little milky white, like a squirrel, enjoying his own meal. The cup of water in the hands of Chu Baiyin almost slipped down.

He stabilized his mind, staring at the delicate red lips of his partner, and his throat was a little dry.


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