Zhou Heng couldn’t help but look at her. After all, the other party is also a beautiful person. Although it is not comparable to those glamorous big girls, it has quite a flavor. The more I look at it, the more I look at it. "Shen Shen is really young and promising."

"Zhou Shaoye praised." Shen Mubai politely said.

"Right, I have a friend who is psychologically depressed. I don't know if you have any interest. Of course, the price is not a problem." The main purpose of Zhou Heng's meeting is of course not to soak people, but to help his cousin remove obstacles.

In fact, he felt that Chu Baimo would not look at a woman who was older than him, but Zhou Jiajia did not think so. He wanted him to find a way to get this doctor from Chu Baimo.

Originally, he still felt trouble. Now he looked at people carefully, and he actually had some other thoughts in his heart.

After all, the woman in front of her body is quite beautiful, and the skin looks very good.

He still wants to say something more, and there is a sound that is not salty or faint in his ear. "Zhou Shao is boring in front of my face. I am afraid it is not very good."

Zhou Heng turned his head and the young boy's lips twitched slightly, but the smile at the bottom of his eyes did not bottom out, and there was some coolness behind the unreasonable.

He couldn't help but look away, and he had no guilty conscience. He couldn't help but laugh. "How can I have less? I don't dare to have hundreds of courage. I just have a joke with Dr. Shen."

"I thought Zhou Shaozhen had this thought." Chu Baimo smiled and said unclear.

Hearing his pun, Zhou Heng cold sweats have flowed down, and quickly dragged his own cousin, "Chu Shao, I remembered that there is something wrong with our family, I will leave before I will talk again."

Zhou Jiajia was stupid enough to realize that he could not enter the eyes of Chu Baimo, and he did not want to bite his lip and reluctantly turned back.

It’s just the person who knows her heart, and her eyes stay on the other person from beginning to end.

Shen Mubai took a sigh of relief. She was not a psychiatrist. She refused Chu Baimo. She believed that the so-called high-ranking people would not find it in the future, saving her the idea of ​​how to get rid of it.

"Is it tired?" The teenager looked over and said the temperature was warm.

Shen Mubai nodded. "It's a bit."

"Then we will be there for a while." Chu Baimo laughed.

Although Shen Mubai was heartbeat, she glanced at the people around and asked in a small voice, "Is it ok?"

Chu Bai ink smiled with a little helplessness, "In fact, I am also very tired."

Shen Mubai thought about the coming of the nobles and daughters tonight, and could not help but sympathize with each other and nodded. "That's alright."

They found a place to sit down, although some people want to go forward, but it is not blind, can only change a goal, after all, this banquet tonight, there is more than a big tree in Chu.

Besides, this Chu family heir seems to be gentle and gentle. As long as it is a little bit more precise, he knows that he is definitely not as simple as it seems.

Chu Baimo asked for two drinks.

Shen Mubai had some thirst, and he drank it directly. After he knew it, he remembered a question. "Master of white ink, should there be no alcohol?"

Chu Bai ink looks slightly, "What's wrong?"

Shen Mubai felt a little shameful. She couldn’t say that her wine was so bad that she was indignant, so she silently took the words back in her throat. “No...”

Then I’m not sure, I should be fine...


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