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"Is Dr. Shen still okay? I let the driver send you back." Chu Bai Modao.

Shen Mubai nodded, and in her current situation, it is definitely not suitable for taxis.

"I still have trouble waiting for Dr. Shen to wait for me." The teenager smiled at her and then walked in a certain direction.

Shen Mubai stared at the floor with some thoughts. After a while, he heard a gentle familiar voice in his ear. "Doctor Shen, can we leave?"

She nodded subconsciously, and when she was out of the door, the cool breeze that was blown on her face temporarily awake her brain, and captured the meaning of the young man’s words. "We?"

"Be careful." A hand gently covered her waist, and the young boy's warm breath swept over her ear.

When Shen Mubai stunned, he heard a man apologizing for some drunken words. "Sorry, I can't help, Master Chu, I can't help, Dr. Shen."

The other party sincerely apologized a few words, Chu Baimo did not care, just let him be careful next time.

"To be honest, I don't want to stay." After they stepped down the steps, the teenager explained.

Shen Mubai hesitated. "So, it doesn't matter? After all, they are coming to the young master of white ink."

The other side gently measured the face, and the lips slightly tilted. "What's the relationship, even if the protagonist is not here tonight, it will not affect their mood."

Shen Mubai thought, too, that the most important thing for businessmen is the interest. Although Chu Baimo is the heir to the Chu family, after all, the current Chu family industry has not yet been handed over to him. Those who cannot find people will definitely pay attention. To Chu Zhengwei's body. No longer, not able to climb the thigh of Chu, this banquet is also an opportunity to make a line.

The driver stopped the car and opened the door for two people.

Chu Bai Mo is very gentleman's, let her sit in first.

The door was closed, the teenager sat next to her, then took off his clothes and handed it over. "Shen Shen rests for a while."

The concern in his words was not a fake, Shen Mubai hesitated, or took his clothes, "Thank you."

Her mind was getting dizzy, and now she is a little sleepy, and she can't help but squint.

The other party's unprepared appearance made Chu Baimo's eyes glimmering in a glimpse of pleasure, and the slightest invisible cocked his lips, and his eyes greeted and obsessedly looked at the face.

To be honest, he didn't know that the other party's wine would be so bad at first, after all, the information was not said.

But it is undeniable that this is a big surprise.

The other person's body is covered with his own clothes. Just imagine, Chu Baimo can't help but make a soft laugh.

Shen Mubai, who was caught in a light sleep, did not know that a big wolf was staring at herself. She slept soundly and her slight itch on her face was ignored by her.

Until a voice roused her gently, "Shen Shen."

Shen Mubai opened his eyes and looked at each other a little embarrassed. "Little Master of White Ink?"

"Oh." The other party smiled softly, and the eyes that looked over were ridiculous. "Don’t Dr. Shen forget the things that happened just now?"

Shen Mubai blinked his eyes and looked at the furnishings around him. After remembering it, he remembered, "Is it already back?"

The teenager's lips swayed in a curve. "Would you think this is where?"

She licked her wet eyes and was powerless. "Don't be jokes with me."


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