"No, don't go."

Sudaji tugged at his sleeve.

"I feel so bad that I don't go to the hospital?" Ji Jingchen looked at her disapprovingly.

"It's not a disease. I'll just lie down at home." Sudaji stubbornly stressed that he didn't loose his sleeves.

Ji Jingchen glanced at her and drove the car without saying a word. The speed soared and flew straight up.

"Ha Mei, get over here!"

Sudaji summoned the system in divine consciousness.

Her lower abdomen seemed to be punched hard, and her tears flew out in pain. "Is this NIMA's great aunt? This is the rhythm of letting the palace die! "

Su Daji thought that she might be the first host to die because of her aunt's pain.

The system carefully gathered together and [madam, you can bear it for two days. The original owner came here before...]

Su Daji gouged it out with hatred and asked you what's the use of this dog!

The system is not aggrieved, [you occupy the body of the original owner and must bear these. It's not too much]

Besides, don't think it doesn't know that the fox is coveting its baby. There is really no pain killer.

Su Daji took a deep breath and closed his eyes to ignore the pain.

He soon returned to Ji Jingchen's villa.

Sudaji ran to the bathroom.

She was dizzy now. She was cold and hot for a while. She was sweating sticky and uncomfortable.

Ji Jingchen sat in the living room for a while. After waiting for her for a long time, he didn't see her come out of the bathroom. Then he heard the sound of water in the bathroom.

When do you take a bath?

Ji Jingchen went to the bathroom door and knocked: "Su Nian, are you okay?"

But no one answered him. Maybe the sound of water was too loud to cover up his voice.

Ji Jingchen waited for a while, but her intuition was wrong. Ten minutes have passed, and she hasn't come out yet.

He banged the door, "Su Nian, Su Nian!"

But there was still no one to respond to him. The sound of water covered up all the movements inside, so that Ji Jingchen couldn't tell what she was in there.

Ji Jingchen no longer hesitated and hurried back to his room and took the spare key from the room.

Since the last time the child stayed in the bathroom and didn't come out, he was equipped with an extra key. Unexpectedly, it was really useful.

The sound of loose door locks sounded, and Ji Jingchen pushed the door in——

Fog curled up in the bathroom.

The hot water poured down from above.

The child lay motionless in the bathtub as if asleep, and the water had overflowed in front of her.

Ji Jingchen hurried up to her and wanted to get her out of the bathtub. It was easy to faint after staying inside for too long.

But when his eyes saw her body, Ji Jingchen was stunned in situ.

The incredible waves rolled in the dark eyes.

Eyes moved from her to her——

Ji Jingchen had not recovered for a long time.

His mind is mixed.

At first, when he realized that he liked men, his heart was not without entanglement and shock, and the big men were deeply shocked

This is unacceptable.

But with more and more time together, Ji Jingchen understood more and more what he wanted.

What does it matter if a child is a man?

He doesn't care if he doesn't want children in the future.

He was content with her alone.

Ji Jingchen always thought he liked men, but now——

Why did the man he liked become... A woman?!

When Su Daji was in a daze, he noticed that a cool line of sight was constantly wandering on him, and she was cold all over.

She suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Ji Jingchen with shock and doubt.


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