Quick Transmigration System: The Scum Girl and the Villain Are the Perfect Match

Chapter 2260: The original heroine's counterattack 68

  Chapter 2260 Counterattack of the original heroine 68

  Every time Yuexi said a word, her eyes became colder and colder.

  She slowly stepped forward and watched the heroine kneel on the ground by the two men in black uniforms. She was still unconvinced. I looked at her as if I had done nothing wrong.

  Yue Xi sneered, and slapped the hostess's face with a slap in the face.

   "I come back now to take back everything that I have, as it should be, Mary Lee, none of this has ever belonged to you. You are just in a illusion and feel that everything is real."

   She lowered her head and smiled, "The sludge on the ground will always be the sludge on the ground, and it cannot become the cloud in the sky. This is destined."

  She said these words to Li Marie, and it also seemed to be to the power that belongs to the story of the world, hiding behind the heroine.

"I don't believe in fate!! I don't believe in fate!! I have already turned around, what exactly did you do!!" Li Marie kept crying, she clearly felt that a pair of invisible hands had reversed her destiny. I originally saw my own fate in the dim.

  She should replace the identity of this **** and live a happy life.

  But why is it like this! !

"You don't even know how to repent!!" Mrs. Xu ran forward angrily. She was so graceful that she was so angry that Li Marie moved her hands. She was holding her chest with tears in her eyes. She didn't know it was because of her The previous stupid confession, her daughter's behavior, still feel distressed for Yue Xi.

She held Yue Xi's hand tightly, "Yue Xi, Yue Xi, I'm sorry for you, it's all my mother's fault, how could my mother do such a foolish thing, even her daughter would have to admit her mistake!! It wasn't you who showed up? , If it weren't for you to come back, I..."

  She is like a child who has done something wrong, hugging Yue Xi tightly and crying loudly.

   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." At this moment, she couldn't say anything except for the three words I'm sorry.

  Lee Marie suddenly felt ashamed, her face was pale as paper, and she understood that things were poking out a hole like a leaking balloon.

  What's more, in order to replace Yue Xi's identity, she first found a trafficker, and now she found a killer.

  She can almost imagine that what is waiting for her is the monstrous anger of the Xu family.

  But fortunately, Xu Jia did not find out, she also hired a killer.

It’s just that Yue Xi, who knows everything about the heroine’s details, would let it go. She narrowed her mouth aggrievedly, and pointed at Li Marie with red eyes, "She also sent a killer to kill me. We already met on the way back. After a few calls, I am not alone, I may die on the road and can't come back."

   "What!!" Mr. Xu patted the table and stood up. A coldness flashed in his eyes, "Killer?"

He gritted his teeth and looked at Li Marie, his eyes full of murderousness that could not be concealed, "You are holding my Xu family's money and want to kill my Xu family's daughter?? Good, good, good, you are so good. !!!"

  Li Marie's eyes widened, and she fell into despair.

   "Take this **** to me!! Put it in a dungeon!! Accept the highest level of punishment and not allow this woman to die for me! If she dies, the person on duty will go in instead of her!!"

  Dungeon! ! ! When she first came to Xu's house in that place, she went in once because of curiosity, and she almost fainted when she saw the cruel and unbearable scene inside.

  (End of this chapter)

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