Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 102: Raiders the big brother next door

The scenery paused for a long time before daring to turn around. The man standing on the shore was handsome and elegant, beautiful as if he had walked out of a painting, but she did not dare to move and opened her eyes blankly for fear that it was just fragile. She was not sure about the illusion, "An...An Tong..."

"The scenery, it's me." An Tong stretched out his hand on the bank, and he whispered, "Come here."

She stared at him in a daze for a long time before remembering to swim to the shore and grabbed the hand he stretched over. An Tong couldn’t help holding her tightly and pulling her to the shore, dripping water all over her body. The jet-black hair was also wet against her cheeks. The black color made her skin Shengxue even more black. The tears and water on her face were mixed together. She is a proud eldest lady. How could she be so embarrassed?

No, she is not embarrassed.

An Tong's fingers rubbed the water droplets hanging from the corners of her eyes. This warm liquid seemed to have a scorching temperature. From his fingertips, it spread all the way to his heart at an extremely fast speed. It was empty long ago. At this moment, his heart was completely filled, his heart was beating vigorously, and an unknown wave of emotion was about to come out.

Feng Guang grasped the hand he placed on his face, and he must get the most certain answer to rest assured, "You don't want to think about it..."

"I didn't think about it."

"Then you...your wheelchair and your legs?" She said incoherently, "you can stand up."

He shook her hand and rubbed it carefully, "I have rehabilitation every day, and you said that the sequelae of those medicines may not be that serious."

"An Tong, do you know how worried I am about you! I thought you...I thought you left me and went!" Feng Jing sniffed and punched him in the chest.

The force of this punch was not heavy, because she couldn't bear to use it, An Tong embraced her in her arms, she leaned on his chest and sobbed, and he gently patted her on the back, "I'm sorry, I was wrong."

"Sorry, sorry...every time you make me uncomfortable, I'm sorry!"

That said, it seems to be true.

An Tong’s lips evoked a helpless smile. No matter how clever his tongue is, he will easily lose words when he meets her. "I am stupid and can't speak. Will you forgive me?"

She shook her head, but put her hands around his neck and hugged him tightly, "I thought you were dead! I searched in the water for a long time... I didn't find you..."

"The scenery, don't cry, I'm not good." An Tong rarely feels that she has miscalculated, at least a few times, because of her. While distressed and apologetic, he also has a faint feeling. With unspeakable emotion and excitement, she would jump into the water so desperately, she would be so sad because she was afraid that he would die.

She doesn't want him to die, she likes him. As long as he thinks of this, he will have an indescribable sense of satisfaction. He raised his hand and said, "This is for you."

Scenery then discovered that he still had a red-purple flower in his hand, with a graceful posture and a delicate fragrance. She took it, crying and asked, "What is this?"

"It's Cypripedium. Before I came, I checked this is where Cypripedium grows, so I wanted to find it and try, but I didn't expect to find it."

Feng Guang knows that he likes planting flowers, but he still doesn't quite understand his lips, "You just ran out to find it...that's why I was so worried."

Seeing that she finally stopped and was about to cry, An Tong quickly patted her on the back, as if to coax the child, "Cypripedium is also called the flower of the goddess. I specially found it to give you."

Isn't that saying that she is a goddess?

She blushed, and finally broke into a smile.

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