Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1025: Raiders against the poisonous master

Rong listened to Xue Waner smiled, "The time has come, you will naturally be able to go back to where you should go."

"When does that have to be?"

"Look at the chance." Rong Tingxue smiled mysteriously, "There are some things that can't be rushed, so I can only let it go."

Scenery curled his lips, "Then what is the difference between you saying this and not saying it?"

"It doesn't make a difference." Rong Tingxue said casually: "This world has a cause before it has an effect. When the result arrives, you will understand what the cause is."

Scenery thought for a while, and asked: "Queen Empress, you cultivated Buddha?"

"I only practice Taoism, not Buddhism." Rong Tingxue left a smile, turned and waved his sleeves, "I'm going to bed, so you can leave."

A gust of wind swept, and the body of the scenery flew out of Fengyi Palace uncontrollably. She floated at the door of Fengyi Palace. She only felt that this empress is definitely not an ordinary person, and she still wants to ask more about what can make her materialize. It happened, but she was just kicked out.

The most important thing is that the queen seems to speak very well, but very difficult to speak.

She stayed in place for a while, but chose to float back to Yihe Palace.

The next day before dawn, when Xianmo was practicing martial arts again, the scenery saw that he had stood in a sword-holding posture for half an hour, and his body obviously couldn’t stand it, but Lan Zhao didn’t say anything, he just kept it like that. With one movement, not moving.

She was distressed only to turn around Xianmo. Finally, after a few minutes, Lan Zhao called to stop, and Xianmo's stiff movements relaxed. There was already a layer of sweat on his forehead, but there was no Complaints.

Lan Zhao, who had always been stern, had to calm down his expression at this moment, "The prince, let's take a rest first, we will continue to practice later."

"Thank you, Master." Xian Mo put down his sword and walked to a stool to sit down.

Scenery hurriedly fanned him with his hand, "Little Amo, very tired, right?"

"It's okay." Xian Mo glanced at the towering figure in the distance and lowered his voice.

"If you are really tired and can't stand it, don't hold back and say nothing." She understands his dull gourd character very well.

Xian Mo raised the corners of his lips. After taking care of his body through this dress, he smiled with such a handsome face. There is indeed a kind of inadvertent sultry young man. He said: "I'm used to Master's teaching. , These are nothing."

Scenery was fascinated by his smile for a while, and for a while, he didn't know if he was telling the truth or saying it was false. Since that time she taught him to smile at people from time to time, now he will pull a smile at every turn. He would laugh, and Feng Guang was happy, but she had never said it before, let him speak this gesture in front of her!

She sighed, feeling like she couldn't help herself.

Xianmo heard her not talking for a long time, and he asked in a low voice, "Shengguang, are you angry?"

"No." These simple and blunt words are not like she said no.

Xianmo didn't understand why she was angry, but he knew that no matter what she was angry because of, he only had to apologize, "The scenery, I'm wrong, don't be angry."

At a young age, she had the cognition that she rushed to admit her mistakes in front of girls. This realization... somehow, she suddenly felt that the future of this child must be unlimited.

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