Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1035: Raiders against the poisonous master

Zhang Xu's face was green and white, but he dared not say anything.

Rong listened to the snow and left, and the scenery pulled Xianmo's hand, "Let's go back too."

"Yeah." He nodded, bypassing Zhang Xu and left.

The scenery is distressed. He was blocked for so long after he was punished and came back from standing. She let go of her hand and floated in front of him, putting her hands on his face, "The body feels uncomfortable. ?"

"I'm fine." He didn't stop, but there was a warm color in his eyes. He said, "Don't worry."

"You always say that you don't need to worry, but even if there is something, you won't say it." She sighed, "How come you have become such a boring gourd temper?"

No, he seemed to have such a dull character before.

Xianmo didn't say a word. After a while, he said, "The queen can see you."

"Yeah...she can see me."

"I can't." Xianmo looked down slightly, "I can't see the scenery."

She comforted: "It doesn't matter if you can't see it. Am I just by Amo's side?"

"Why can the queen see the scenery?"

"Well...I don't know, I only know that this empress is very mysterious, but she is not a bad person." When she saw Zhuo Yun leading someone to stop Xianmo, she didn't have time to think about anything. , She could only go to the queen for help, she was not sure that Rong Tingxue would help her, but Rong Tingxue still came.

Xianmo didn't speak anymore, and didn't rest long after returning to Yihe Palace. The teacher came again. His teacher was an old man who was over half a hundred years old, and it was said that he was still in the imperial examination.

This Tanhua is an old scholar, besides teaching Xianmo to write, it is to say something to serve the country with loyalty.

Feng Feng was afraid that Xian Mo would be brainwashed, so he kept saying next to him: "You don't need to listen to him. You don't need to go to the battlefield in such a thing as being faithful and loyal to the country. You are not allowed to rush forward."

He nodded silently, and the brush in his hand had already written two large characters on the white paper. The old gentleman had fallen asleep against the wall after leaving the homework for Xianmo to practice calligraphy.

On several of his papers, the same two words were written-scenery.

This is her name.

After watching the scenery for a long time, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed. She poked his face, "Although I also think my name sounds good, you don't have to keep writing it."

"If you don't write the name of the scenery, I don't know what to write."

"You can also write your own name, as well as your master, General Lan."

"No way."

"why not?"

He said without looking up, "I can't help but doze off."

After a while, he still didn't hear her voice.

"Scenery, are you still there?"

"I'm here."

Only then did he relax his eyebrows and continue to write calligraphy, "Just stay there, don't let me not hear your voice."

"Hmm..." She held her face in her hands, secretly saying that if she had a normal body, she would blush.

At dusk, the old man who teaches retired, and Xianmo's own time was next.

He did not rush to rest, but carried a bucket of water and came to the courtyard, where a willow tree that was moved not long ago was planted.

He has always done things like watering the tree himself, and he can't touch the next person.

The scenery sat on the tree and looked at the waterer with a smile, only feeling warm in his heart.

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