Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 104: Raiders the big brother next door

The scenery did not expect that there would be so many mosquitoes at night, and she could not fall asleep over and over again, but on the contrary, Fang Yaya next to her had already entered her dream happily. She gritted her teeth and looked at Fang Yaya’s sleeping face, envy and hate. , How come mosquitoes don’t bite her!

There was another insect sound outside. After turning around several times, Feng Guang sat up and held her head crumbled. She decided to go outside and blow the cold wind, carefully avoiding Fang Yaya, and walked out of the tent. , The moonlight is very good tonight. If it were not for her irritability, she thought she would be in a better mood to appreciate this beautiful night scene.

Just when she was thinking about whether to call An Tong out, a person walked out from the tent next door, with a handsome and upright posture, gentle temperament, and impeccable face. Who is this not An Tong?

He saw the scenery and smiled unexpectedly, "Can't you sleep?"

"I'm going to be bitten to death by a mosquito." Scenery aggrievedly walked to him for comfort, she raised her hand, "Look, two bags were bitten here, there is one more here, and there are..."

On her legs, hands, as long as the skin is exposed to the air, there are a few small red dots that are particularly noticeable. She pointed to these red dots one by one, just to show his sympathy.

An Tong did not live up to her pitiful expectation, and hugged her distressedly, "Suffering."

"Neither bitter nor bitter." She snickered, and put her hand on his chest and wiped a few handfuls of oil. "Why did you come out? Did the kid Mu Tianze sleep and snore and quarreled you?"

"No." He shook his head amusingly, "Tianze is very quiet, he didn't bother me. I will come out because I guessed you would not sleep."

Scenery blinked curiously, "How did you guess?"


She corrected, "It's a kind of heart."

"Yes, we have a sharp heart." He followed her words, and the tenderness in his tone couldn't hide.

Satisfied with the scenery, he leaned lazily in his arms, sighed sadly, "I wish I could sleep with you."

The smile in An Tong's eyes couldn't hide, "Although I like to hear you say this, I can't let others hear it, otherwise you will be laughed at."

"But I just want to sleep with you." She is shameless, in fact, she is not unreserved, but she wants to act like a baby when she sees him, and she wants to feel pampered by him.

An Tong's fingertips slid across her cheeks, her eyes as dark as night like whirlpools, making people sink and indulge, "When you become an adult, I will accompany you to sleep."

His voice is steady and powerful.

This is not just teasing her, but telling her.

Scenery's heart is chaotic, she knows what it means, so her mind is like fireworks, she can't calm down, her face is hot.

An Tong looked at her red, unspeakable face, and wondering if she was shy and unable to speak, she suddenly buried her head on his chest, and a dull voice came from bottom to top. It's my birthday in three months."

Suddenly An Tong's blood surged, and his heartbeat was also chaotic.

She raised her head timidly, "You stand for so long... Will your legs feel uncomfortable?"

Even though she is shy and faceless, she still cares about his body.

"It's okay, I'm better already." An Tong stretched out her hand, raised her chin, and narrowed her deep eyes. "Guangzhou, have you ever kissed?"

She was lost in his deliberately lowered voice and shook her head blankly.

An Tong smiled. He lowered his head and blocked her lips suddenly. Feng Guang opened his mouth subconsciously. This kiss did not allow her to refuse. She changed from being surprised at first to being with him, even if It was she who was panting and began to feel suffocated, and An Tong also wanted to sweep away any excess air in her mouth.

A kiss, distracted.

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