Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1041: Raiders against the poisonous master

Facing Xianmo's sudden request, the scenery paused for a second, "You...want to paint for me?"

"Hmm..." He said seriously: "I can draw the scenery according to the description of the scenery."

Such a high-end operation... Isn't this generally used by criminal investigators?

Scenery is not sure why he has this idea, but she will not refuse his request, "Well, let's try."

Xianmo brought a paper, ink, pen and inkstone. When he picked up the pen, he would write down every time he asked about the scenery. In many cases, she couldn't make an accurate description, so he had to take out a new one. Repainted on the paper until it looks like.

With his eyes alone, he drew no less than 20 times and wasted more than 20 sheets of paper.

Xian Mo seemed to have no intention of sleeping, because in this painting, he just took the scenery and painted it all night, and finally when the daylight was about to dawn, she looked at the portrait on the paper which was obviously many times more beautiful than she did not know. , Was silent for a while, as if unconsciously... She retouched herself too beautifully.

"Okay, don't need to change it, this is me." She said cheeky, feeling nothing embarrassed in her heart. One is that he can't see herself because of him, and the other is that modern people send a photo who doesn't want to PS.

This... should be considered a PS?

She said silently in her heart, if she hadn't been so cheeky if she hadn't been so cheeky if she hadn't stopped after seeing him painting all night, fearing that his body could not stand it.

"Is this what the scenery looks like?" Xian Mo looked at the portrait before the ink was dry, and the corners of his eyes were slightly bent, and there was satisfaction in the indifferent smile.

The scenery looked erratic, but fortunately he couldn't see it, "Yes, this is me."

"I will cherish it."

She became more guilty.

Xian Mo got up and opened the door, "Lu Youde."

Not far away, Lu Youde, who was waiting for dispatch at any time, hurried over, "The slave is here, what is the command of the prince?"

"Clean up my next room."

"This... the prince wants to change rooms?"

"You don't have to worry about that much, remember, that room needs to be cleaned every day."

"Yes, the slave will do it now." Xian Mo has always said one thing, Lu Youde has not forgotten his identity, he dared not ask more, and called two or three court ladies to clean up the empty room.

Scenery asked: "What do you want them to do suddenly to clean up the room?"



Xianmo put his fist between his lips, and after a slight cough, he said, "There are differences between men and women. I don't think we should be in the same room."

"You said... yes." Feng Guang wanted to bite the handkerchief. She looked at the grown-up child. The child who used to say that she would feel uneasy without hearing her voice is now grown.

Her mood is very subtle, this subtle feeling is probably the feeling that she has raised a son, and the son is going to marry a wife and move out.

But he is not his own son.

So why is she so sad.

Scenery returned to her normal mood again. She said, "Actually, you don't need to arrange a room for me. I don't need to sleep, and others can't see me. This arrangement makes people feel strange."

"It's okay." He lowered his eyes and said softly: "I will find a way to make the scenery real, that room is not redundant."

At least she said that a man and a woman sleep in the same room after they get married, and of course they still have to sleep in separate rooms before they get married.

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