Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1054: Raiders against the poisonous master

When the number of room 13 was called for one million, Leng Qingjue finally couldn't help holding Xuanyuanfei, who had to increase the price, "It's just one medicinal material. You have to call more than one million crazy?"

Xuanyuanfei said, "Don't you want it?"

"Don't stop, don't stop." Leng Qingjue felt sorry for the money, and hurriedly shouted to the auctioneer below: "We don't need it."

The auctioneer nodded, "Well, in that case, I count three times. After the three times, the longevity willow will belong to the guest in Room 13, one..."

"One million taels." There was an elegant and windy voice in Room One, which had never made a sound.

The auctioneer was stunned for a while when he heard this sound, and then respectfully said: "My son, one million has already been paid out for Room 13."

The son said: "I give out one million taels of gold."

The pot immediately exploded in the venue.

If House No. 13 and Mr. Wuhen are rushing to increase the price to one million taels of silver, there is no room to spend, then House No. 1 with one million taels of gold is completely silly, right?

And one million taels of gold, even if it is the current state treasury, may not be able to get it out.

Maybe the people in Room 13 were also shocked, and they didn't make a sound for a long time.

In fact, the scenery woke up. Not only did she wake up, she also started a violent cough, and a mouthful of blood stained the white veil.

The system monarch still ignored her, she really thought that she would not survive the time to guide the second male...

Wang Ci grasped the blood-stained handkerchief and said loudly to Xia Chao, "What are you still waiting for? Even if you **** it for me, you have to **** the longevity willow back for me!"

Xia Chao didn't think much about it. He went out and flew down from the second floor to the center of the ground on the first floor. He looked at the old man, clasped his fist and said, "This old gentleman, my daughter is very ill and needs this thing urgently. Fate, please sell it to me. I am willing to sell one hundred and fifty taels of gold."

Xuanyuanfei upstairs whispered, "It's him..."

Leng Qingjue asked, "Do you know him?"

"No, I just said that casually." Xuanyuanfei returned to his pretense appearance.

Just as he didn't know that Leng Qingjue was the foolish lady of Xia Mansion, Leng Qingjue didn't know that this son Wuhen was the fourth prince of Ming Ziguo.

The auctioneer said: "Everything here is for the higher price. This gentleman, if the son in room one does not give up, then you can't buy anything from this old man."

Hearing this, Xia Chao looked up, he looked at Room No. 1, and said solemnly: "My son, my daughter is really waiting for the life of Changsheng Liu. I have no other way, please give me a step back."

And the 1.5 million he gave out actually counts all the valuable things in the palace, so this 1.5 million is equivalent to his bankruptcy.

Some viewers were moved with compassion. The longevity Liu is really not a particularly good thing. Seeing Xia Chao’s father in a low voice, some people couldn’t help but say, “My son, it’s better for you to give this thing Sir."

"Yes, the function of the longevity willow is to treat illness and extend life. The son might as well be a good man and let this gentleman save his daughter."


Leng Qingjue looked at room 13 and knew that there must be a seriously ill Xia Fengjun. The guilt that caused Xia Fengjun's illness only rose for a moment, and she thought of her body, which has been the same as Xia Fengjing over the years. There is a world of difference in life, and she and her mother have suffered humiliation in the palace, and the guilt will soon disappear.

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