Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1076: Raiders doctors in mental hospitals

"In that case..." Zhang Huai considered for a while, "Let's go, I call Shang Nangong Zhe's attending doctor to accompany Miss Xia to see Nangong Zhe, so that if Nangong Zhe has any emotional changes, it will be easier to control the doctor's presence."

Scenery nodded, "Okay."

"Miss Xia, please come with me."

Zhang Huai took the scenery to the second floor and walked through the long corridor. He knocked on the door of an office. After a while, a voice came from inside, "Please come in."

Zhang Huai opened the door and walked in with the scenery. He smiled at the person who was sitting at the desk looking at the medical record: "Doctor Qi, are you busy now?"

"It's the dean." The young man put down his medical records and stood up. The white doctor's uniform made his figure more long. He asked gently, "The dean is looking for me?"

The man’s smooth and white face, with sharp and angular beauty, under his long, slightly curled eyelashes, is a pair of eyes that seem to be smiling at any time, but it is just a polite smile, and there is also a charming style, especially in this white coat. , Shengsheng added a breath of abstinence to such a gentle man.

When she saw him at the first glance, Feng Jing felt in her heart that this man must be the Qi Wei she was looking for.

Zhang Huai looked back at the scenery and said to Qi Wei: "This is Miss Xia Fengguang Xia, who is also Nangongzhe's fiancee. She came here today to see Nangongzhe."

"Nangong Zhe's fiancee?"

Seeing him cast his gaze on her body, the scenery tried to be more perfect and elegant, she said: "I am Nangong Zhe's fiancée."

"This...Miss Xia, I think I would advise you from a doctor's point of view that it is better not to see Nangong Zhe." Qi Wei tried to be more euphemistic, "Nangong Zhe's condition is very serious. You should not visit now. he."

"I know, but I have very important things to talk to him."

Zhang Huai said kindly: "That's it. So, I think maybe you can accompany Miss Xia to see Nangong Zhe. With you, Miss Xia's safety can be more guaranteed."

Qi Wei looked at the scenery, "Miss Xia, do you have to go?"

"Yes, I must go." She nodded affirmatively.

"All right." Qi Wei sighed helplessly, "Miss Xia come with me."

Hearing that he was willing to take himself there, Feng Guang immediately followed behind him excitedly.

On the way to Nangongzhe’s ward, she was quietly observing Qi Wei along the way, and then she found that the more she looked, the more satisfied she became. This man is not only good-looking, but also a doctor of abstinence. This setting is really too prickly. She's cute.

Feng Guang has not forgotten the purpose of her visit this time. One is because of Nangong Zhe, and the other is because of him. She tentatively asked: "Why did Doctor Qi come here to be a doctor?"

Qi Wei smiled, "There is a shortage of people here, so I am here."

"Then doctor, have you ever thought about leaving here?"

"Well...I haven't thought about it yet." He said, "I am a doctor. There will be doctors wherever there are patients. There is nothing wrong with me staying here."

"Then you will get married and have children in the future?" She asked casually, "Does Dr. Qi, even if you have a wife and children, you still want to take them to live here?"

When the eager question was over, she realized that it seemed too abrupt to ask this question as a stranger.

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