Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1091: Raiders doctors in mental hospitals

Qi Wei narrowed his eyes and chuckled, "So, Miss Xia would you like to eat?"

"I... eat." Feng Jing gritted his teeth and picked up his chopsticks, as if a strong man was strangling his wrists, as if the plate was not a carrot but a monster.

ten minutes later……

Still Qi Wei gave up, he pushed his meal in front of her, and said helplessly: "You can eat mine."

She spends three minutes chewing a shredded carrot, frowning every time she chews and making her nauseous. He only thinks that he is a big bad guy who can do everything.

Feng Jing struggled to swallow the carrot in his mouth and looked at him in surprise, "Aren't you forcing me to eat carrots?"

"If I really want to force you to eat, then you are already **** by someone else, and I just took the plate and poured the carrot into your mouth."

Thinking of that scene, she paled, "That's really thank you for your kindness..."

"The cafeteria will be closed in ten minutes..."

"I can finish it!" As soon as she pushed the plate of carrots away, she lifted the chopsticks and reached into the plate that he handed over. When she tasted the first bite of meat, she would cry with joy, "It's so happy... …Doctor Qi, you are such a great and good person."

The great Doctor Qi sighed and began to deal with the carrot.

However, after five minutes, she had finished eating quickly, and gracefully took out a tissue from her bag to wipe her mouth. She was like a reserved lady again, smiling slightly: "Thank you for the hospitality."

"Miss Xia..." Qi Wei saw that she had only finished eating the meat, and the green vegetables in it did not move. He raised his eyebrows, "It seems that I underestimated you. You are not simply picky eaters, but reject everything. Vegetables."

"No, I also eat vegetables occasionally... It's just..." She blinked, "It's just that the vegetables you gave me today are what I don't like to eat."

"I doubt very much now, how did you grow up healthy?"

"I can eat vitamin tablets!" she said triumphantly: "Vitamin tablets are easier to eat than vegetables."

As a doctor, Qi Wei rarely knows how to evaluate it.

Looking around the scenery, everyone was gone. She turned around and asked, "Did you finish the doctor? The cafeteria is about to close."

"Let's go." Qi Wei got up, "I will take you to the dormitory."

"Good." She nodded, stood up and followed him well.

The staff dormitory of the hospital is some distance from the patient inpatient department, at least through a dark grove.

Qi Wei said: "This road originally had street lights, but the street lights use the same power system as the third and fourth floors of the hospital, so there are no lights now."

Fortunately, the moon has come out now, and the white moonlight illuminates the road in front of him.

The scenery can be seen clearly, she followed him and asked: "There is no internet here, wouldn't you be boring?"

"There are many patients who need to be dealt with. I don't think I have any time to get bored."

This is like what he said.

Feng Guang just thought that she had no sense of professionalism as a doctor. She would be bored. As soon as she looked up, she saw a woman in a white nurse uniform suddenly rushed out in front of her. She was frightened and took a step back and almost shouted Speak out.

"Don't be afraid." Qi Wei turned around and said warmly: "This is a nurse in our hospital."

"Sorry, I scared you..." The nurse was handsome, and she looked at the scenery apologetically, "Hello miss, I am the nurse Jin Guoguo here."

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