On this Sunday, An's family came to a guest, An Tong went to the company, so Feng Feng had to entertain him. This was the person who caused Feng Jing the most headache, An Wen, Mu Tianze's mother and An Tong's aunt.

After graduating from university, Mu Tianze clamored to marry Fang Yaya, but the door was wrong. The Mu family did not agree. The old man of the Mu family cut off Mu Tianze’s financial supply in angrily and did not allow anyone to give Mu Tianze to Mu. Tianze provided the money, which broke An Wen, who was distressed by her son. She originally blamed her son for breaking the marriage contract with Ms. Xia, but now it seems that it was really cancelled.

The tea Anwen that came up with the scenery did not take a sip, she said straightforwardly: "I heard that you went to the hospital for a physical examination a few days ago, what did the doctor say?"

"Fortunately." The scenery answered ambiguously.

That is not so good.

An Wen let out a sigh of relief, trying to assume that she is a kind elder, "Shenzhen, you know, An Tong's mother has been missing for five years, although she is missing, I no longer have the hope that she is still alive. So, now An Tong’s only elder, don’t blame me for speaking too badly."

Would you not speak if I find it hard to hear?

After all, they are An Tong's elders, and the sentence of Fengjing didn't come out in his heart.

"When we are women, there are four words to say that after we marry a man, a husband and a child, this husband refers to the husband, the son, naturally refers to the child, although now it is said that the duty of a woman is to pass on the lineage. It doesn’t conform to the feminist ideology of the new era, but sometimes the words handed down from the ancestors are not so unreasonable. What do you think?"

Oh, quoting the scriptures, just to say that she can't have children, right? What if she can't have children? An Tong has no objection. What right does she who is not a mother-in-law have to intervene?

The scenery chuckled, "Didn't the ancestors still say that women have three obediences and four virtues? So, what An Tong thinks, I will listen to him, Madam Mu, you should ask what An Tong thinks."

An Wen's kindly and kind smile stiffened a bit. Before she turned the corner and said that the scenery was not polite, An Tong came back from outside.

He was a little surprised when he saw An Wen, but quickly smiled: "Aunt, why didn't you tell me when you came?"

In fact, the scenery is also very surprising. Didn't An Tong say that he can go home at 5 o'clock in the afternoon? Why are you back now?

"I just... suddenly wanted to come over and take a look." An Wen reluctantly smiled kindly, "By the way, come to care about the body that cares about the scenery."

"Really?" An Tong walked to the scene and was pinched by her.

Angrily revealed a message in her eyes: She is not here to care about me, she is here to find me fault.

An Tong held her hand to make her feel safe and restless. He smiled, "Sheng Jing has a very good body. Don't worry about my aunt, it's me..."

Before he finished speaking, An Wen said nervously: "What's the matter?"

Even the scenery looked at him nervously.

"My aunt also knows that my health has always been bad. It was the year before even to get out of the wheelchair and stand up completely, but although it improved, it was ultimately broken." An Tong looked at the scenery with an apologetic look. On the body, "Some things, I really owe a lot of people around me."

If An Wen doesn’t understand, she is stupid. If you think about An Tong’s previous physical condition, if the problem lies with him, it will indeed be persuasive that people cannot question. At this point, An Wen lost her position. I didn't know how to look at the scenery, so I hurriedly left after a few words that I didn't want to close.

As soon as An Wen left, the scenery grabbed An Tong's hand and asked, "Why do you say that?"

"This can be done once and for all, and she will never come to trouble you again."

"But it's me..."

"If you want to make up for me..." An Tong kissed the corner of her lips and whispered, "We can go back to the bedroom."

Scenery: "..."

The moon rises at sunset and the stars are shining.

An Tong covered the quilt for the tired sleeping person on the bed, and branded a kiss on her side with a demeanor, before walking to the balcony to answer the phone.

"An Tong, you are a pervert!" The Fu Yan over there roared as soon as the call was made.

"Senior sister, what's the matter?"

"Don't call me senior sister! You know that I am a doctor with professional ethics, but you forced me to modify the diagnosis report. Xia Guangming is in good health. You are the one who has the problem. You did it yourself. Ligation, what is the purpose of you wanting me to lie to her?"

"I said no, do you believe it?"

"Of course I don't believe it!" Fu Yan guessed, "Are you trying to make her feel guilty and ask to divorce you?"

As soon as he said this speculation, Fu Yan had actually denied it. Everyone can see how An Tong loves the scenery.

An Tong's black eyes were stained with bright moonlight, "I just want the scenery to stop worrying about the child."

"Then you can also say that it is your own reason!"

"No, what if she dislikes me and wants to leave me behind?" In that case, he could not help but lock her in a cage.

Fu Yan on the other side was silent for a long time, "because of this reason?"

"Is this reason not big enough?"

"...I don't understand your brain circuit very well, why do you have to create the illusion that you can't have children?"

"Child..." An Tong groaned for a while, and said in doubt: "The child will divide the love of scenery away, why should I have a child?"

Yes, the scenery is only him. All her attention and all love will be on him alone. Why does he want a child to take away the scenery that can completely belong to him?

Fu Yan suddenly said gravely: "An Tong... you need psychotherapy."

Because of her professional ethics and her conscience, she was worried about whether he was going to do anything to Xia Guangguang, but now, she was sure that it was An Tong's desire for exclusivity, and his desire for exclusivity has ceased. Normal.

"Thank you for your suggestion, but the scenery said that I am fine, I don't think I need psychotherapy." An Tong's eyes passed through the glass door, never leaving the figure lying on the bed, his eyes filled with moonlight. Gentle, the whole person is bathed in the moonlight like a god, his voice is also very gentle, but it can make a person's back feel a chill, "Fuyan, don't be nosy, I can let you sit in the position of the dean, Pull you from this position."

"……I understand."

The person on the bed moved, An Tong hung up the phone and walked back to the bed. As soon as he lay on the bed, she naturally retracted into his arms, and her eyes opened a gap in a daze, "Why are you going? Up?"

"Afraid of your cold, I closed the window."

"Hmm..." She pressed his hand into her chest, because she hadn't had time to get dressed in the "fierce battle" not long ago, but she felt his eagerness again, "Don't make trouble. ,I want to sleep……"

"Am I not sleeping with you?"

"I'm talking about... simply sleeping."

"I sleep with you, isn't it just sleeping?"

The scenery can be regarded as energetic, "An Tong, don't go too far."

"Okay." An Tong compromised. He closed her lips and gave a fiery kiss. It was a good night kiss because he said, "Good night."

He turned his back, really motionless.

"An Tong..." Feng Jing poked his back with her finger, but he didn't respond. She stretched out her foot unwillingly and kicked him again, "An Tong?"

He still didn't say a word.

The scenery gritted his teeth and lit the fire on others, so he fell asleep? She sat up and slumped on him, "An Tong, An Tong, An Tong!"

An Tong half-opened her eyes as she had just woke up, "What's the matter?"

"I want it!" She held his face, gnawing up no matter what.

An Tong enjoyed it for a while, with a successful smile at the corner of her mouth, she rolled over and pressed her under her.

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