Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1207: Strategy...Excuse me, will you chase the corpse?

The scenery felt a little crowded, because the coffin was full of cherry blossoms now. She looked at the same man covered with cherry blossoms, she was a little embarrassed... and a little shy.

The man picked up a cherry blossom falling on her face and smiled softly, "What do these cherry blossoms mean?"

"Probably... spring is here." After she finished speaking, she silently covered her hotter cheeks.

His smile was like a spring breeze, "It seems that your spring is brighter than anyone else."

Scenery couldn't help feeling her heart beating faster, and she asked blankly, "What are you doing to hide me here?"

"Because I see you need help, and I'm also afraid of that female ghost." He said this with a smile, and there was no fear in his eyes except for a smile.

She chose not to believe it rationally, but emotionally she chose to answer the question and asked: "Aren't you an employee here?"

He is dressed in an ancient costume. Although it is good-looking, in this era, besides acting and taking pictures, who can wear ancient costumes?

"Am I an employee here, does it matter?" He smiled and moved closer to her, "I just helped you, don't you need to thank me?"

"Thank you..." She was forced to step back a little bit, until she leaned her back against the wall, and she asked stubbornly: "Why do you thank you?"

"You take me home." He blinked and got closer to her again.

The scenery was irresistible, and I felt that this picture of him waiting to be picked up home was really pitiful, but soon, she shook her head, threw out these inexplicable thoughts, and then shrank into a ball and asked: "I What does it mean to take you home... don't you have a home?"

"A long time ago..." There was loneliness in his beautiful eyes, "My home is gone."

"No more..." Feng Jing's heart jumped, my God, he talked to her in such a pitiful and depressed manner, her little heart really couldn't stand it!

The man held her hand, the expectant smile in his eyes was really irresistible, "Will you take me back?"

The scenery was suffocated. She raised her hand to lift the coffin and sat up, breathing heavily. The cherry blossoms in the coffin had already spread, and her other hand was still held by the man.

He also sat up, opened her bangs slightly with his hand, and lowered his head against her forehead, "No fever...Why is your face so hot?"

He put his hand on her cheek, so that she could only look up at herself.

The scenery only felt that his hands were cold and comfortable in a hot day, and looking at his face up close, he looked into his eyes that were as dark as night, and her head seemed to be smoking. Stammered: "You, you, don't you get so close to me..."

"Why can't you get close to you?" He lowered his head slightly in confusion, as if he could touch her lips as long as he wanted to.

She sensitively sensed that her hormonal information was all seduced/introduced by him. Scenery has always liked things that are pleasing to the eye. Whether it is a man or a woman, as long as she looks good, she will definitely be willing to look at it more, but this man is different. It's not that he looks so extraordinary and graceful, but the inexplicable gaze in his eyes, as well as the extraordinary temperament in him, when she couldn't help but catch the first glance , She couldn't look away anymore.

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