Scenery looked at the man sitting next to her "corpse" meditating. She was helpless. It was not her style to scold someone in white. It is estimated that Summer is still in class and can't come to rescue her, but her friend in the game is only Summer Although everyone calls her a goddess, she is also notoriously picky and hard to serve. She really doesn't have any sincere friends. They are people who have dealt with because of their interests.

Wait, interest?

She thought of something in an instant, and uttered a line of joy, "Let me be a hero, I will give you a chance to leave, otherwise you will not be able to leave if you want to go later."

Let me hold the sword without saying a word, as if he is really a master of swordsmanship beyond the world, the scenery thought, OK, you are an expert, then you can't blame me, this is you Forced me to shoot.

All the players in "Jianghu" suddenly received a system notification: The female hero Wanyang issued a Jianghu chase order, reward 9999 ingots, and location in the poisonous fog forest. If you are interested, please go to the monument of heaven and earth to take orders.

The killer alone can only be picked up by one person. Of course, it can also be divided into groups after completing the mission. She is the first one to spend 9999 ingots to buy murderers. The scenery can almost imagine that the heaven and earth monuments are crowded with the mission. people.

Ren Woxing also received the message. He finally opened his eyes and sneered when he looked at the scenery, "Can you not finish spending your money?"

"No way, this lady has a lot of money, I am a RMB player, don't you know?"

If someone else was here, he would have been calling for friendship. Unfortunately, in front of her was the lonely swordsman who walked away. He stood up but didn't rush away. The scenery saw that he seemed to be waiting for the group to kill. His people.

"Hey, don't you want to do more with one dozen?" Such a large bounty, for the sake of insurance, of course, the person who took the order cannot be alone, even if it is equipment piled up with money. After beating a group of people, the scenery felt that he was looking for death, "Say okay first, but I will let those people feed you the Broken Pulse Pill later."

He still doesn't move.

Soon, a group of people sprang out from the space-time, all dressed in black, each of them holding a different weapon. If they weren't wearing ancient costumes, just by the appearance of them embracing them, they were simply a modern gangster. Gang of black.

The leader was a young man with a long spear named Fengchen Yigun. He put his gun on the ground as soon as he came out, and said very domineeringly: "Who dares to offend the goddess of evening sun? Kill him!"

Let me go back and say a word coolly: "I."

Fengchen shot and stunned, "Why are you here?"

The scenery suddenly felt bad.

"Your goddess of the evening sun released a reward, and now I am the only one here, why do you say I am here?"

Fengchen shot around and looked around, except for the scenery lying on the ground, there was really no one else. Although he was not smart, he was not stupid. He quickly understood what was going on, and he shouted at the brothers behind him. : "Put away the guy, this is your deputy leader!"

Seeing the information displayed on the character panel, Fengchen Yiqiang and the people behind him are all members of the "Black Clothes Gang", and then look at Ren Woxing. Is the gang information on his panel the "Black Clothes Gang"?

Scenery had forgotten to talk about the illiterate name of "Black Clothes Gang". She was lying on the cold ground, and she felt a chill in her heart when she saw Ren Woxing showing her a "kind" smile.

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