Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1290: Raiders the boss with no taste

"I'm Mo Qing." The man smiled, "Isn't this the name you called out?"

The scenery frowned, "Although you feel very similar to Mo Qing, I know that you must not be him."

"Oh?" He raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why is this again?"

"I don't know... Anyway, you are not him, I can be sure."

"Oh, I didn't expect you to see that I was not him. I thought that the scenery would happily jump towards me and hug me. It seems that I was wrong." His tone was frivolous, but there was nothing in his voice. With a smile, he couldn't hear half of his true emotions.

The immortal spirit that she just thought of was just an illusion.

As he moved forward, she took a step back, "Who are you on earth? Zhi Weiming said that no one can come up."

"Of course I am not a human being." The man thought she kept retreating very interesting, and couldn't help but stepped closer to her until her back leaned against the trunk of the plum tree, irresistibly. He put one hand on the tree trunk, trapped her in the middle, lowered his head slightly, and stared at her bright eyes. These are a pair of eyes that are as clean as ever. For many people, there is an inescapable attraction. He suddenly grabbed it. With a smile, he lowered his head slightly.

Scenery has a strong sense of danger, she turned her head too far to avoid the result of accidentally encountering him.

After feeling her resistance, the man froze for a while, but soon he backed away a little more, his lips continued to chuckle unscrupulously, and his lowered voice was full of seduction/confusion, "I am more than a mob Qing is good-looking. If you are not as good as the scenery, you will make mistakes. Forget him and like me."

"This is impossible!" Feng Jing bent down, escaped from his arms, and held him three steps away before she asked, "Who are you? Why do you know? My name? Why do you know Mo Qing?"

"Well..." The man touched his chin and said in a daunting manner: "Actually I am Mo Qing's twin brother. My name is Mo Qing."

"You lie!" Feng Guang didn't believe it at all. "You just said that you are a ghost like me."

"I am Mo Qing's brother, and I am a ghost, do these two things conflict?"

After she had a meal, it seemed that there was no conflict. Mo Qing could also have a dead brother. There was nothing wrong with this, but it was the feeling that this man gave her.

Inexplicably, she hated this frivolous man, and seeing him approaching herself again, she hurriedly said: "Don't come near me!"

He kept walking, "Why? I think my appearance suits the taste of scenery very well."

Indeed, a man like him who does not speak but stands quietly, giving people a sense of gentleness and elegance, is the ideal type in the heart of the scenery. This man does meet her standards, but she does not have the slightest feeling of enthusiasm, because She already has Mo Qing.

"No matter how you fit my taste, I only need Mo Qing alone." She had to hide behind the tree, her expression more alert, she was not sure of the identity of this man, and in the fairy gate, there might be The monsters and ghosts who are more powerful than her, although she is a fierce ghost in the eyes of others, she has no other abilities except for unconsciously creating hallucinations.

Seeing that she was hiding behind a tree and only dared to stretch out one head to look at herself guardingly, the man in white only felt funny, his black eyes deepened with a smile, beckoning to her, he seemed to be teasing a cat," Good scenery, come out, I won't hurt you."

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