Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 129: Raiders Hacker Technical Male

You have been killed by your enemies.

When she heard this system voice, Feng Guang was stunned. Soon, she felt that she should be her enemy. Who wouldn't kill her?

If she is usually unwilling to say how unwilling she is, but now she suddenly feels too caring and boring.

Let me go to Zhao Xiaolu's side, "Are you doing anything?"

Zhao Xiaolu pushed him away, "Why did you kill Wan Yang!"

Although Wan Yang gave her the first feeling that she was a superior princess, who was not easy to provoke or approach, Zhao Xiaolu now regarded her as a friend.

Ren Woxing felt her resistance, and the hand on his side moved and took a step back. He calmly said, "She killed you."

"She didn't kill me!" Zhao Xiaolu shouted loudly: "I was guarded by two people just now. She helped me! Let me do you fool!"

He was slightly stiff, and then looked aside. The scenery on the ground was gone. Facing Zhao Xiaolu, he hadn't noticed the prompt that the enemy of the system was offline.

Scenery came out of the game cabin, thinking that she was lucky to run fast, otherwise she would be fed Duanmai Dan by the stingy man with grudges, and there was constant movement from the door of the study, as well as the voice of Aunt Lin. Scenery walked over to open the door, and saw Aunt Lin trying hard to pull the collar around Rhubarb's neck to drag it away.

As soon as he saw the scenery, the rhubarb rushed over with a whimper. Aunt Lin was so young that she couldn't hold it back.

"What's wrong?" Scenery knelt down and touched the soft hair on Rhubarb.

"Miss, these days, Uncle Fang takes the rhubarb for a walk, and the rhubarb can't see you every day. Today, I don't know how to break the rope and came to you. I will take it away and don't let it disturb you. "

"No need." Scenery scratched the hair on its neck. This large golden retriever comfortably stretched out his tongue and licked her several times. "Poor little, it's my sister who left you out of the cold recently. Okay, I'll take it today. You go for a walk."

"Wow!" Rhubarb called excitedly.

The scenery took the dog leash, "Aunt Lin, if summer comes out, you tell her that I'm taking rhubarb for a walk."

"Yes, miss."

Scenery didn’t bring Rhubarb to walk around Xia’s villa. Although no reporters paid attention to her house, the general security guard was not allowed to hide in the dark with the paparazzi. She let the driver drive her to the scenery for more than ten minutes. The best scenery along the river. When the evening is approaching, people from work are crowded in the city center. There are few people in this area, and the scenery is good. She likes it very much. When she came here, the rhubarb dragged like crazy. She ran, she had to wonder whether she came out to walk the dog or the dog came to sneak her?

The scenery was dragged to the bridge, and she leaned on the railing to gasp, "Rhubarb, I can't run anymore, save your energy."

"Wow!" Rhubarb wagged its tail very happily. It only felt that it was playing with its favorite owner, and didn't think it would be a personal effort.

"Hey, Rhubarb!" The scenery was pulled up by it again. When she ran to the center of the bridge, she suddenly tightened the rope to stop Rhubarb. She was a little shortsighted, so she looked at the figure standing by the bridge uncertainly. , "Rhubarb, does that person want to commit suicide?"

Rhubarb really looked over, and then screamed vigorously.

Although Feng Guang is not a warm-hearted person, she still chooses to save her life if she can. Seeing that person stretched her hand out of the railing, she immediately let go of the rope, "Rhubarb! Go and throw him down!"

Accepting the order, Rhubarb spread his legs and ran over in a hurry, and thundered the man down. The man responded that he had just pushed away the large dog, and then was pressed by a soft body. So, his raised hand was accidentally placed on the two buns that were not very tactile but very good...

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