Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 131: Raiders Hacker Technical Male

Back home, Feng Guang decided not to talk about what happened on the bridge. Seeing summer at the dinner table and not knowing who was chatting with her mobile phone, she put down her chopsticks and said, "You are so interested, do you have a boyfriend?"

"I didn't!" Summer did not admit it, she said without any guilty conscience: "I'm just chatting with friends. The teacher has said that it is bad behavior to fall in love early."

"Actually, you're almost eighteen, so you can't count as a puppy love."

The summer accident was followed by happiness, "Really? Sister, do you think so?"

Seeing her reaction, she knew that she was in love.

The scenery is not broken, anyone who was in high school didn't have a love for the first time, and had a crush on a few male gods and goddesses, "whatever age you do, remember not to be out of line."

Abandoning such a specious sentence, she got up and went to the study. Xia Xia felt like a cat was scratching her heart. Did her sister know or not? Unable to figure it out, she also went to the study with the scenery.

In the game world, the town is peaceful, and there is nothing blocking the resurrection point. Of course, there is no killer. The scenery chooses to resurrect. Seeing that the durability equipment has been lost because of death, she went to the grocer to repair it again. , And also received the secret chat of summer.

"Sister, hit the copy of the zombie cave, are you coming?"

"Two people, with your output, how can they be able to fight?"

"Of course it's not the two of us. I still have my friends here, and... I want to introduce you to someone." Xia Xia's voice was rather timid.

The scenery can be understood in seconds, and I thought of course not to go! "Where are you? I'll come over."

"We are in the black swamp, at the door of the copy."

A god, once opened his eyes, the scenery stood in the black swamp, because it was the gate of the dungeon, there were many people standing around, she was among the crowd, and immediately saw a red name, and the only enemy who dared to add her was also Her only enemy-let me go, let me stand near the entrance of the cave, as if he hadn't noticed that his enemy had appeared.

The scenery was hiding behind a tree quietly. It wasn't she who persuaded... Well, she was really persuaded. Soon she accepted the team invitation sent by summer, but she wanted to leave the team as soon as she joined the team.

Little Tudou ran fast: "Fuck, it's the goddess of late sun!"

Mupineapple: "It's really the goddess of late sun!!!"

"Cough cough, calm down, everyone calm down!" Feng Chen shot an embarrassingly stable order, "Don't get excited, lest you scare the goddess."

A bucket of Jiang Shan: "Why did the goddess come to our team?"

Wood Pineapple: "Oh! Goddess, I am your fan!"

Qianshan is lonely: "Hey, Jiang Shan, your pineapple is going to run away with someone."

Little Tudou ran fast: "Goddess, you are my idol, do you still lack humanoid pendants!?"

A bucket of Jiangshan: "Qianshan, you should take care of your potatoes first."

"Don't make any noise!" Fengchen couldn't help but shoot a shot, "Take all your own people who have had trouble with you!"

A bucket of Jiangshan and Qianshan looked at each other lonely, and a woman in pink clothes and a woman in yellow clothes came to the side in a tacit understanding.

Always endure the sight of magic sound piercing his ears: "..."

Leaning on the tree and standing freely: "..."

Feng Chen shot his head a little bit painful, "Goddess of late sun, we are going to play a copy today, if you are seeking revenge, why don't you have another day?"

"Vengeance?" Xia Xia squinted at the man beside him, "What do you mean?"

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