It was 11 o'clock in the evening when I left the restaurant, and there were not many pedestrians on the road, so the appearance of a big star did not cause any big news.

Feng Guang pulled Duan Mu into her car. She directly said to the driver in front: "Send Duan Mu home first."

Duan Mu did not ask how Feng Feng knew his home address. According to the influence of the Xia family, it is normal to find out such a small matter, so he was very calm, not even half annoyed when ordinary people learned that his privacy was violated. .

He is calm and good, but it doesn't mean that he will readily accept other people's touches. For example, the girl sitting next to him now has no scruples leaning on his shoulders to fall asleep.

"Miss Xia."


"I think we should keep the distance between us."

"Don't worry about this." Her eyes opened a slit, "You have to believe that the distance between us will become negative one day."

The car suddenly turned a corner, and the scenery saw that the frightened driver was pretending to be nonchalant and continued to drive seriously. She retracted her gaze and stared at Duan Mu's face with delight.

Maybe Duan Mu understood what she meant, or maybe he didn't. His smile remained unchanged, "I heard that Miss Xia just graduated from high school."

Shift the subject openly.

"Yes, in September this year, I am going to report on Big A." She blinked and looked good.

He laughed, "It's a good thing to be able to go to university."

Her smile suddenly froze, because she suddenly remembered that Duan Mu did not go to college in order to support her debut at the age of 18, even though he had good grades in high school.

"Well... the night is really good today." She changed the subject, which can be said to be very uncomfortable.

Duan Mu smiled, "It's very good."

Scenery didn't know how to answer the conversation, she sat down honestly, looked out the window and then at his face, it was rare to be so quiet.

After a while, the car stopped.

Duan Mu said, "My apartment is here, Miss Xia, goodbye."

"Um...bye." She waved.

The door opened and Duan Mu just got out of the car. Another hand stretched out from the car to grab his hand. He lowered his head and saw the girl lying on the seat and said to him: "Duan Mu, I really think , You are an amazing person, good night."

At the end of the conversation, she retracted her hand, the door closed, and the car left soon.

Duan Mu stood there for a while before entering the apartment.

The next day, the Internet was overwhelmingly reporting news that the popular star Universe had a bad attitude towards the agent. Some people said that he became popular and swelled, but others said that this was just someone deliberately hacking him. , After all, his agents all stepped up and said that they were just playing around. However, before the camera, Yuwen had never shown such a bad temper. This incident still caused a hot topic.

When Wang Guang saw the newspaper, she had to admire that the heroine Bai Xue was a talent. With just a photo, she added Yuwen as a villain who loves to pretend. There is always no negative news about Yuwen. There was a stain in his acting career.

She put down the newspaper and went out again. Her destination, of course, is the ancient city. She didn't want to let go of any chance to get close to Duan Mu, and now Duan Mu is filming on her site, that's the best opportunity. .

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