The scenery didn't know. He said that he was strangely good or bad, but at the end, she thought it was better than he looked at him. She looked at him carefully, "Then do you agree with me to stay?"

"Miss Xia has already bought this apartment. Do I have the right to drive away Miss Xia?" Duan Mu smiled, "When the rain stops, Miss Xia will leave."

With that, he closed the door.

The scenery immediately jumped in joy. She leaped to the sofa and grabbed her wrist. When she turned her head, it was his smiling face, "There is glass on the ground, be careful."

"Um..." She nodded obediently, only then did she notice the broken cup on the ground.

Duan Mu took her hand around the debris on the ground, he let her sit on the sofa first, and took the tools to clean the glass debris on the ground.

Scenery saw the man squatting on the ground in front of her. For some reason, she unexpectedly felt that maybe this man is very at home, which is a good plus, so she also squatted down.

Duan Mu raised his eyes, it was she who was holding her chin and looking at her in silence. He smiled, "If Miss Xia is bored, you can watch TV."

"You look better than TV." She grinned, her voice surprisingly sweet.

Duan Mu didn't say anything, and continued to clean up in his hands, unpretentiously, another lightning struck from the sky, and soon there was a violent thunder, his hand was covered by another white hand, his ears Her soft voice resounded, "Good boy, it's just thunder, I'm here."

He seemed to pause for a second, then chuckled softly, "Miss Xia, I am not a child."

"In the eyes of people who like you, they will always treat you as a child to dote on you."

What she said, the role seems to be reversed. Generally speaking, it is a boy who treats a girl as a child to pet?

If she refuted, she would have taken the topic off the track, so Duan Mu didn't take this sentence, but said with a good temper, "I am surprised that Miss Xia can come today, but I am very grateful."

"If you really feel thankful to me, then you can eat with me tomorrow." She unceremoniously offered her conditions. If he speaks crookedly, he will pretend not to know. Only by hitting straight shots can he avoid this problem.

Duan Mu looked down and smiled, as if there was a spring breeze, with a slight warmth, "Why does Miss Xia always like to invite people to dinner?"

"I don't like inviting people to dinner, I just like to invite you to dinner." Scenery took a step closer and looked up at him carefully, with the joy that is easy to be noticed in his eyes, "Duan Mu, I like you. "

His tone didn't fluctuate, "We only met soon, and Miss Xia didn't understand me."

"That's right... But Duan Mu, you never give others a chance to understand you." She frowned first, but for a moment, she smiled happily, "But it doesn't matter, I like you just like you. Although I do not know you, I am prepared to like you and all your shortcomings."

Thunder and lightning flashed outside the window, and the rain seemed to be heavier.

Her voice echoed so clearly in the room, "It's not just rainy, I also want to be by your side every day."

"What if I refuse?" His eyes were smiling, so clean that no other emotions could be seen.

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